{ "currentVersion": 10.91, "serviceDescription": "The Current Fire-Jurisdiction Breakdown feature class is intended to show Alaska Wildland Fire Jurisdictions within fire perimeters. It is created by intersecting two feature classes: Fire Perimeters and Alaska Land Status. This featureclass is updated when new perimeters for fires are submitted.", "mapName": "Layers", "description": "", "copyrightText": "Alaska Interagency Coordination Center, Bureau of Land Management, Alaska Fire Service", "supportsDynamicLayers": true, "layers": [ { "id": 0, "name": "Current Fire-Jurisdiction Breakdown", "parentLayerId": -1, "defaultVisibility": true, "subLayerIds": null, "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "type": "Feature Layer", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon" } ], "tables": [], "spatialReference": { "wkid": 4269, "latestWkid": 4269 }, "singleFusedMapCache": false, "initialExtent": { "xmin": -152.475193471, "ymin": 57.57251404707328, "xmax": -152.463192559, "ymax": 57.57720447985496, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 4269, "latestWkid": 4269 } }, "fullExtent": { "xmin": -176.650413904, "ymin": 51.949099638999996, "xmax": -133.324481194, "ymax": 69.469627375, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 4269, "latestWkid": 4269 } }, "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "units": "esriDecimalDegrees", "supportedImageFormatTypes": "PNG32,PNG24,PNG,JPG,DIB,TIFF,EMF,PS,PDF,GIF,SVG,SVGZ,BMP", "documentInfo": { "Title": "Current Fire-Jurisdiction Breakdown", "Author": "J.L. Jenkins", "Comments": "The Current Fire-Jurisdiction Breakdown feature class is intended to show Alaska Wildland Fire Jurisdictions within fire perimeters. It is created by intersecting two feature classes: Fire Perimeters and Alaska Land Status. This featureclass is updated when new perimeters for fires are submitted.", "Subject": "This feature class is intended to show Alaska Jurisdictions within fire perimeters. FOR WILDLAND FIRE USE ONLY.", "Category": "", "AntialiasingMode": "None", "TextAntialiasingMode": "Force", "Keywords": "land status,fire perimeters,fire management options,ownership breakdown,Alaska,wildfire,DOI,BLM,Bureau of Land Management,environment,Management" }, "capabilities": "Map,Query,Data", "supportedQueryFormats": "JSON, geoJSON", "exportTilesAllowed": false, "referenceScale": 0, "supportsDatumTransformation": true, "maxRecordCount": 1000, "maxImageHeight": 4096, "maxImageWidth": 4096, "supportedExtensions": "FeatureServer, KmlServer, WFSServer, WMSServer", "resampling": false }