October 12, 2024       
2020 Alaska Fire Ownerships

2020 Alaska Fire Ownerships For Fire Origins and Fire Perimeters


This is based on Fire Perimeters, Fire Point Data, Management Options, and the Alaska Wildland Fire Jurisdictions Dataset


Fire # Fire Code DNR USFS Fire Name Option Zone Acres Updated Owner Category Unit ID Unit Name
U001 Thamnolia 351.0 03/06 15:03
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Thamnolia
397 011397 Ester 33000 Parks F FAS 0.1 05/13 08:05 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Ester 33000 Parks
396 003396 Pinnacle View C KKS 0.1 04/27 10:04 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Pinnacle View
395 013395 MP1322 C TAS 0.1 10/29 11:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for MP1322
394 001394 Pioneer Peak C MSS 0.2 04/27 10:04 State AKAKS-Chugach State Park
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Pioneer Peak
393 NP26 014393 Simpson Hill C CRS 0.1 11/02 09:11 ANCSA AKAHN-Ahtna, Incorporated
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Simpson Hill
392 NNF8 MPMG #2 L MID 0.1 10/09 11:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright
No perimeter owner breakdown found for MPMG #2
391 011391 Silver Fox C FAS 0.1 10/21 16:10 State AKAKS-AK DNR-Mental Health Trust
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Silver Fox
390 NM3C 013390 MP1316 C TAS 0.1 10/27 16:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Tanacross, Incorporated
No perimeter owner breakdown found for MP1316
389 NM0S MPMG L MID 0.1 10/09 11:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright
No perimeter owner breakdown found for MPMG
388 NL15 Stuart Creek L MID 0.1 10/16 13:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright, Yukon TA
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Stuart Creek
387 014387 Mile 46 Richardson C CRS 0.1 10/27 15:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Mile 46 Richardson
386 012386 Sandra Street C DAS 0.1 11/09 11:11 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Sandra Street
385 012385 Jack Warren Power pole C DAS 0.1 11/09 12:11 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Jack Warren Power pole
384 NLK2 Moose Creek F MID 0.1 10/16 12:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright, Yukon TA
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Moose Creek
383 013383 Spruce C TAS 0.1 10/27 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Spruce
381 014381 Loon lake F CRS 0.5 10/16 14:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Loon lake
380 NJ1K Klikhtentotzna Creek L GAD 39.0 10/13 16:10 BLM AKCYD-Central Yukon Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKCYD Central Yukon Field Office Limited 38.95 Image Interpretation 09/11 09:09
Ownership Breakdown Size: 39.0
379 NG3C 003379 Funny Fire C KKS 0.1 04/27 10:04 ANCSA AKCIN-Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Funny Fire
378 003378 Sunset C KKS 0.4 11/02 16:11 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.30 Mixed Methods 01/05 11:01
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Critical 0.02 Mixed Methods 01/05 11:01
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.3
376 011376 MP 311 F FAS 0.1 10/21 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for MP 311
375 003375 King Salmon Fire C KKS 0.1 04/27 10:04 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for King Salmon Fire
374 NF1S 004374 PNNF1S Two Hills F SWS 0.1 11/12 10:11 BIA AKAKA-Native Allotments
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Two Hills
373 003373 Gravel Pit C KKS 0.1 11/02 16:11 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Gravel Pit
372 011372 Badger Dump C FAS 0.1 10/21 16:10 County AKAKS-Fairbanks North Star Borough
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Badger Dump
371 NFD8 004371 Poptart Trail F SWS 0.3 10/27 16:10 ANCSA AKVLN-MTNT, Limited
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Poptart Trail
369 NFC4 004369 PNNFC4 Togiak F SWS 7.4 10/27 16:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Togiak Natives, Limited
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Togiak
368 001368 Rabbit Slough C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-AK Dept. Transportation
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Rabbit Slough
367 NE61 013367 East 3rd C TAS 0.1 10/20 13:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for East 3rd
366 001366 Swamp Robin C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Swamp Robin
365 003365 Pavillion C KKS 0.1 11/02 16:11 State AKAKS-AK DNR-Div. Parks
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Pavillion
363 001363 James Street C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for James Street
362 NC2N 011362 Power Pole F FAS 0.1 11/13 10:11 BIA AKAKA-Native Allotments
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Power Pole
360 013360 East A Street C TAS 0.1 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for East A Street
359 NCR6 Bacon Creek L TAD 12.8 11/03 13:11 USFWS AKKUR-Koyukuk National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKKUR Koyukuk National Wildlife Refuge Limited 12.80 Remote Sensing Derived 08/10 11:08
Ownership Breakdown Size: 12.8
358 001358 Vine C MSS 0.1 10/14 12:10 State AKAKS-AK Dept. Transportation
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Vine
357 003357 Mark White C KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Mark White
356 003356 Ciechanski C KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Ciechanski
355 003355 North Fork C KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for North Fork
354 003354 Cohoe Loop C KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 County AKAKS-Kenai Peninsula Borough
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Cohoe Loop
353 NBG2 031353 PNNBG2 South Sunshine F TNF 0.1 11/05 14:11 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for South Sunshine
352 003352 Dorothy C KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Dorothy
350 M913 PDM913 Igiglogruk Mountain L GAD 11.7 10/27 16:10 NPS AKKRP-Cape Krusenstern National Monument
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
NPS AKKRP Cape Krusenstern National Monument Limited 11.65 Image Interpretation 07/20 12:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 11.7
349 001349 Roundabout C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-AK Dept. Transportation
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Roundabout
348 ND1H 003348 Border Lake C KKS 0.5 10/20 14:10 ANCSA AKCIN-Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Border Lake
347 M9RJ 004347 PNM9RJ Kgun Lake L SWS 1,523.3 10/02 16:10 USFWS AKYDR-Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKYDR Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge Limited 1,523.28 Image Interpretation 08/04 11:08
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1,523.3
346 M9QK Birch Creek L UYD 14.4 10/15 16:10 USFWS AKYFR-Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKYFR Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge Limited 14.45 Image Interpretation 08/06 15:08
Ownership Breakdown Size: 14.4
345 001345 Sea Biscuit C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-AK Dept. Transportation
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS AK Dept. Transportation Critical 0.04 GPS-Unknown 07/20 12:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.0
344 M9HP PDM9HP Big Marsh M UYD 1.4 10/02 16:10 USFWS AKYFR-Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Big Marsh
343 M9F3 PDM9F3 Kateel River L GAD 4.7 10/02 16:10 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Limited 4.65 Image Interpretation 07/15 14:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 4.7
341 M9FE PDM9FE Yankee Slough 3 L GAD 11.1 10/02 16:10 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Limited 11.06 Image Interpretation 07/15 14:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 11.1
338 M9A0 Richmond F TAD 8.6 10/02 16:10 BIA AKAKA-Native Allotments
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BIA AKAKA Native Allotments Full 8.56 Remote Sensing Derived 08/04 11:08
NPS AKGAP Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve Limited 0.05 Remote Sensing Derived 08/04 11:08
Ownership Breakdown Size: 8.6
337 M87U 004337 PNM87U Appel F SWS 0.1 10/02 16:10 ANCSA AKVLN-MTNT, Limited
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Appel
336 M855 PDM855 Faith F UYD 2.5 10/02 16:10 ANCSA AKDYN-Doyon, Limited
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Faith
335 M85D 031335 PNM85D West Twin Bay L CGF 0.4 04/27 10:04 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for West Twin Bay
334 M84F 031334 PDM84F Timber Creek M TAD 0.5 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Timber Creek
333 001333 Little Susitna Campground C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 County AKAKS-Matanuska-Susitna Borough
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Little Susitna Campground
332 001332 Trevett C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Trevett
331 M840 031331 PNM840 North Yankee F TNF 0.1 11/05 14:11 County AKAKS-Juneau, City and Borough of
No perimeter owner breakdown found for North Yankee
330 M805 PDM805 Kaltag Dump C GAD 0.3 11/09 11:11 ANCSA AKVLN-Gana-a `Yoo, Limited
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Kaltag Dump
329 M80X PDM80X Helpmejack Hills L TAD 62.4 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Limited 62.43 Remote Sensing Derived 07/07 15:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 62.4
328 M80P 011328 Bear Creek F FAS 0.1 10/19 11:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Bear Creek
327 001327 Bodenburg C MSS 0.2 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Bodenburg
326 001326 Kibby C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Kibby
325 M8TB 011325 PNM8TB Spinach Creek F FAS 0.1 10/19 11:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Spinach Creek
324 001324 Shaw's C MSS 0.1 12/25 20:12 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Critical 0.01 GPS-Unknown 07/20 12:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.0
323 003323 Keystone F KKS 0.1 10/27 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Keystone
322 001322 Dawn C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-AK Dept. Transportation
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Dawn
321 M8J0 003321 Frolf C KKS 0.1 10/27 16:10 City AKAKS-Kenai, City of
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Frolf
319 M8JT 003319 Beaver 2 C KKS 0.1 10/27 16:10 ANCSA AKCIN-Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Beaver 2
316 M8GC 001316 PNM8GC Lucy C MSS 0.5 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.50 GPS-Unknown 07/20 12:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.5
315 003315 Bolotna C KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Bolotna
314 M8CN 003314 Sand C KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Sand
311 M76T 003311 Sport lake C KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Sport lake
310 M75A 003310 Royce C KKS 0.1 10/27 16:10 ANCSA AKCIN-Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Royce
309 M717 PDM717 Snake Lake F UYD 21.2 10/02 16:10 USFWS AKYFR-Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKYFR Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge Full 21.22 Remote Sensing Derived 07/04 10:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 21.2
308 M71V PDM71V Yellow River 2 L GAD 34.8 10/02 16:10 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Limited 34.78 Image Interpretation 06/29 13:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 34.8
307 PD Yellow River L GAD 18.3 10/02 16:10 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Limited 18.34 Image Interpretation 06/29 13:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 18.3
306 M705 PDM705 Chicken Creek M TAD 21.5 10/16 14:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Modified 21.51 Remote Sensing Derived 07/08 10:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 21.5
305 M7YN 012305 PNM7YN Tanana Loop Powerline C DAS 0.1 11/09 12:11 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Tanana Loop Powerline
304 001304 Jim Creek C MSS 0.2 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Jim Creek
303 003303 Tagala C KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Tagala
302 M7SB 013302 PNM7SB Borealis C TAS 0.1 10/30 09:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Tanacross, Incorporated
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Borealis
301 011301 Over Winter Shovel Creek #1 F FAS 0.1 10/19 11:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Over Winter Shovel Creek #1
300 M7NQ 003300 Swan Lake Overwinter #2 F KKS 7.2 10/27 16:10 USFWS AKKNR-Kenai National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Swan Lake Overwinter #2
299 M7M5 003299 Squatter C KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Squatter
297 001297 Snowcrest C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Snowcrest
296 M7G4 032296 PDM7G4 Sheenjek River L UYD 5,736.4 11/09 13:11 USFWS AKYFR-Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKYFR Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge Limited 5,736.38 Remote Sensing Derived 07/17 07:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 5,736.4
295 012295 Aerial F DAS 0.1 11/09 16:11 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Aerial
294 M7GL 003294 Beaver C KKS 0.1 10/27 16:10 ANCSA AKCIN-Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Beaver
293 M7E2 PDM7E2 Natlaratlen River M GAD 38.8 11/03 11:11 USFWS AKKUR-Koyukuk National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKKUR Koyukuk National Wildlife Refuge Modified 38.77 GPS-Walked 06/26 11:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 38.8
292 M7EZ PDM7EZ Crater Creek F UYD 1.0 10/02 16:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Venetie Indian And Neets Ai Corporation
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Crater Creek
291 M7EX PDM7EX Kawichiark River 5 L GAD 4.1 11/03 13:11 USFWS AKSWR-Selawik National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKSWR Selawik National Wildlife Refuge Limited 4.11 Image Interpretation 06/23 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 4.1
290 M7EU PDM7EU Gisasa River L GAD 3.0 10/27 16:10 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Gisasa River
289 M7ED 031289 PDM7ED Bedrock L TAD 134.2 10/15 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Limited 134.22 Remote Sensing Derived 07/04 10:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 134.2
288 M64W 032288 PDM64W Flooded Lake F UYD 9.4 10/02 16:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Venetie Indian And Neets Ai Corporation
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKVLN Venetie Indian And Neets Ai Corporation Full 9.37 Remote Sensing Derived 06/22 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 9.4
287 M64R PDM64R Mount Schwatka L UYD 3.8 10/02 16:10 USFWS AKYFR-Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKYFR Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge Limited 3.78 Remote Sensing Derived 06/22 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 3.8
286 004286 Black River L SWS 7.0 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Limited 6.99 Image Interpretation 06/18 14:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 7.0
285 M62C PDM62C Tivehvun Lake L UYD 828.5 10/15 16:10 USFWS AKYFR-Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKYFR Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge Limited 828.54 Remote Sensing Derived 06/22 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 828.5
284 M616 PDM616 Bearpaw Mountain L TAD 673.5 11/10 09:11 NPS AKDEP-Denali National Park and Preserve
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
NPS AKDEP Denali National Park and Preserve Limited 673.48 Satellite 07/14 13:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 673.5
283 M605 000283(4) P0M605 Kings Bay M CGF 1.7 10/02 16:10 USFS AKCGF-Chugach National Forest
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Kings Bay
282 M7FP 011282 Little Chena 6 F FAS 0.8 10/21 15:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Full 0.78 Mixed Methods 06/19 07:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.8
281 M6Z6 PDM6Z6 Pastolik River F GAD 5.0 10/02 16:10 USFWS AKYDR-Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Pastolik River
280 M6Z5 PDM6Z5 Pastoliak River L GAD 59.3 10/02 16:10 USFWS AKYDR-Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKYDR Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge Limited 59.29 Image Interpretation 06/19 10:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 59.3
279 M6Z4 PDM6Z4 The Sisters L GAD 2.0 10/02 16:10 USFWS AKYDR-Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for The Sisters
278 M6ZX 004278 PNM6ZX Aniak River F SWS 8.7 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BIA AKAKA Native Allotments Full 4.02 GPS-Walked 06/19 15:06
Private AKPRI Private Full 4.64 GPS-Walked 06/19 15:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 8.7
277 014277 Mile 81 Richardson Highway C CRS 0.2 10/16 14:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Mile 81 Richardson Highway
276 M6YG 003276 Swan Lake Overwinter #1 (Swan 2020) F KKS 0.1 10/27 16:10 USFWS AKKNR-Kenai National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Swan Lake Overwinter #1 (Swan 2020)
275 M6XA PDM6XA Alatna River M TAD 2.2 10/02 16:10 ANCSA AKVLN-K`oyitl`ots`ina, Limited
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Alatna River
274 M6W8 PDM6W8 Tagagawik River 2 L GAD 505.3 11/03 14:11 USFWS AKSWR-Selawik National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKSWR Selawik National Wildlife Refuge Limited 505.31 Image Interpretation 06/22 09:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 505.3
273 M6W7 PDM6W7 Tagagawik River L GAD 1,006.3 11/03 14:11 USFWS AKSWR-Selawik National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKSWR Selawik National Wildlife Refuge Limited 1,006.28 Image Interpretation 06/22 09:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1,006.3
272 M6W6 PDM6W6 Kugarak River L GAD 27.0 11/03 14:11 USFWS AKSWR-Selawik National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKSWR Selawik National Wildlife Refuge Limited 27.04 Image Interpretation 06/19 10:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 27.0
271 M6W5 PDM6W5 Rabbit River L GAD 68.7 11/03 13:11 USFWS AKSWR-Selawik National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKSWR Selawik National Wildlife Refuge Limited 68.67 Image Interpretation 06/19 10:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 68.7
270 M6WX 032270 PDM6WX Ninemile Lake L UYD 20.0 10/02 16:10 USFWS AKYFR-Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKYFR Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge Limited 19.99 Remote Sensing Derived 06/19 07:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 20.0
269 M6V7 PDM6V7 Moran Creek L TAD 119.1 10/27 10:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Limited 119.10 Remote Sensing Derived 06/23 07:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 119.1
267 M6VA 031267 PDM6VA Strawberry Dome L UYD 68.2 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Limited 68.19 Remote Sensing Derived 07/08 10:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 68.2
266 M6T5 004266 PNM6T5 Imik Lagoon L SWS 249.1 10/02 16:10 USFWS AKYDR-Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKYDR Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge Limited 249.13 Image Interpretation 06/22 09:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 249.1
265 M6T3 031265 PDM6T3 Grouse Creek L UYD 1.0 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Grouse Creek
264 M6T2 PDM6T2 Lost Horizon L UYD 3.0 10/02 16:10 BLM AKEID-White Mountains National Recreation Area
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Lost Horizon
263 M6T1 PDM6T1 Victoria Creek L UYD 46.8 10/02 16:10 BLM AKEID-White Mountains National Recreation Area
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKEID White Mountains National Recreation Area Limited 46.79 Remote Sensing Derived 06/23 07:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 46.8
262 M6TY PDM6TY Candle Creek L UYD 0.5 10/02 16:10 USFWS AKYFR-Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Candle Creek
261 M6TX PDM6TX Sixty-One Mountain L UYD 7.3 11/09 13:11 USFWS AKYFR-Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKYFR Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge Limited 7.33 Remote Sensing Derived 06/22 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 7.3
260 M6TW PDM6TW Forty-Two Mile Creek L UYD 0.3 10/02 16:10 USFWS AKYFR-Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Forty-Two Mile Creek
259 M6TV PDM6TV Garland Creek M GAD 27.5 10/02 16:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Isingnakmeut
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKVLN Isingnakmeut Modified 27.49 Image Interpretation 06/19 10:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 27.5
258 M6TU PDM6TU Shungnak River M GAD 90.7 10/21 12:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Isingnakmeut
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKVLN Isingnakmeut Modified 90.65 Image Interpretation 06/19 10:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 90.7
257 M6TS PDM6TS Cosmos Creek M GAD 9.9 10/02 16:10 ANCSA AKNAN-NANA Regional Corporation, Incorporated
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKNAN NANA Regional Corporation, Incorporated Modified 9.85 Image Interpretation 06/16 13:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 9.9
256 M6S9 Kerulu Creek 2 L GAD 2.0 11/03 14:11 USFWS AKSWR-Selawik National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Kerulu Creek 2
255 M6S6 PDM6S6 Selawik River 2 L GAD 0.5 11/03 14:11 USFWS AKSWR-Selawik National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Selawik River 2
254 M6S2 PDM6S2 Kawichiark River 4 L GAD 3.8 11/03 13:11 USFWS AKSWR-Selawik National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKSWR Selawik National Wildlife Refuge Limited 3.81 Image Interpretation 06/15 11:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 3.8
253 M6SZ PDM6SZ Kawichiark River 3 L GAD 5.1 11/03 13:11 USFWS AKSWR-Selawik National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKSWR Selawik National Wildlife Refuge Limited 5.13 Image Interpretation 06/15 11:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 5.1
252 M6SV PDM6SV Kawichiark River 2 L GAD 4.8 11/03 13:11 USFWS AKSWR-Selawik National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKSWR Selawik National Wildlife Refuge Limited 4.80 Image Interpretation 06/15 11:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 4.8
251 M6SS PDM6SS Kawichiark River L GAD 0.5 11/03 13:11 USFWS AKSWR-Selawik National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Kawichiark River
250 011250 Two Rivers Logging Road F FAS 1.0 10/21 15:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Two Rivers Logging Road
249 M6P3 032249 PDM6P3 Porcupine F UYD 237.1 11/09 13:11 USFWS AKYFR-Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKYFR Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge Full 237.09 Remote Sensing Derived 06/22 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 237.1
248 004248 Titnuk Creek L SWS 4,976.8 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Limited 4,976.85 Image Interpretation 07/22 10:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 4,976.8
245 M6PA PDM6PA Iditarod River L GAD 1.0 11/03 13:11 USFWS AKINR-Innoko National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Iditarod River
244 M6PS 011244 PNM6PS Little Chena 5 F FAS 1.0 10/19 11:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Little Chena 5
243 M6N2 004243 PNM6N2 Sunrise Creek L SWS 13.3 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Limited 13.30 Image Interpretation 06/23 14:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 13.3
242 M6PR 011242 PNM6PR Little Chena 4 - Anaconda 2 F FAS 1.0 10/19 11:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Little Chena 4 - Anaconda 2
241 M6PQ 011241 PNM6PQ Little Chena 3 - Anaconda F FAS 0.1 10/21 09:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Little Chena 3 - Anaconda
240 M6PN 011240 PNM6PN Little Chena 2 - East F FAS 0.1 10/21 09:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Full 0.19 Mixed Methods 06/19 07:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.2
239 012239 Shaw Creek F DAS 28.8 10/19 11:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Full 28.83 Image Interpretation 06/25 10:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 28.8
238 M6PM 011238 PNM6PM Little Chena - South F FAS 1.0 10/21 09:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Full 1.40 Mixed Methods 06/19 07:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1.4
237 M6NJ PDM6NJ Gold Mountain L TAD 363.6 10/06 12:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Limited 363.61 Remote Sensing Derived 07/11 06:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 363.6
236 M6M9 011236 PNM6M9 Any Creek F FAS 44.4 10/21 09:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Full 25.64 GPS-Walked 06/19 09:06
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Full 18.80 GPS-Walked 06/19 09:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 44.4
235 M6MS PDM6MS Coleen L UYD 1,542.4 11/09 13:11 USFWS AKARR-Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKARR Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Limited 1,542.40 Remote Sensing Derived 06/29 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1,542.4
234 M6K6 PDM6K6 Old Lost L UYD 452.3 10/14 12:10 USFWS AKYFR-Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKYFR Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge Limited 452.27 Remote Sensing Derived 06/16 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 452.3
233 M6K3 032233 PDM6K3 Swift Fork F TAD 2.0 10/02 16:10 ANCSA AKVLN-MTNT, Limited
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Swift Fork
232 M6K4 031232 PDM6K4 Slow Fork L TAD 11.0 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Limited 10.99 Remote Sensing Derived 06/23 07:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 11.0
231 M6K2 032231 PDM6K2 Red Slough F TAD 0.1 10/02 16:10 ANCSA AKDYN-Doyon, Limited
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Red Slough
230 M6KE PDM6KE Sheefish L UYD 0.1 10/14 12:10 BLM AKEID-Eastern Interior Field Office
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Sheefish
229 M6KC PDM6KC Eureka L UYD 0.1 10/02 16:10 BLM AKEID-Eastern Interior Field Office
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Eureka
228 M6KB 031228 PDM6KB Morelock L TAD 254.5 10/26 14:10 ANCSA AKDYN-Doyon, Limited
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKDYN Doyon, Limited Limited 160.33 Remote Sensing Derived 06/18 06:06
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Limited 94.13 Remote Sensing Derived 06/18 06:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 254.5
227 M6J7 003227 Enterprise C KKS 0.3 10/20 14:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Enterprise
226 M6JT PDM6JT Arvesta Creek L GAD 2.0 10/02 16:10 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Arvesta Creek
225 M6G0 PDM6G0 Simon Creek M GAD 8.3 10/02 16:10 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Modified 8.28 Image Interpretation 06/29 09:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 8.3
224 M6GT 031224 Big Salt L TAD 0.3 10/02 16:10 BLM AKCYD-Central Yukon Field Office
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Big Salt
223 M6GU 031223 PDM6GU Rock Creek L TAD 2.0 10/06 12:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Rock Creek
222 M6GS 031222 PDM6GS Cosna River L TAD 1.0 10/06 12:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Cosna River
221 M6GN PDM6GN Papa Willie Creek M GAD 2.0 11/03 13:11 USFWS AKINR-Innoko National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Papa Willie Creek
219 M6F0 PDM6F0 Banddana Creek L TAD 1,578.3 10/27 16:10 BLM AKCYD-Central Yukon Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKCYD Central Yukon Field Office Limited 1,578.26 Remote Sensing Derived 06/23 07:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1,578.3
215 M6DN 032215 PDM6DN Alfred Creek M UYD 83.3 11/09 13:11 USFWS AKYFR-Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKYFR Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge Modified 84.27 Remote Sensing Derived 06/11 09:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 84.3
214 004214 Taylor Creek L SWS 15,199.6 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Limited 15,199.63 Mixed Methods 08/18 08:08
Ownership Breakdown Size: 15,199.6
213 M6A4 031213 PDM6A4 Lost Creek L UYD 1.5 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Lost Creek
212 011212 Hilltop C FAS 0.1 10/19 11:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Hilltop
211 M6AQ PDM6AQ Rabbit Mountain L UYD 1,002.3 10/02 16:10 USFWS AKARR-Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKARR Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Limited 1,002.32 Remote Sensing Derived 06/14 10:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1,002.3
210 M6AC 000210 P0M6AC Situk River F TNF 0.2 11/12 10:11 BIA AKAKA-Native Allotments
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Situk River
209 011209 Frontage Road C FAS 0.1 10/21 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Frontage Road
208 003208 Bald Eagle C KKS 0.1 10/20 14:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Bald Eagle
207 M57Z 004207 PNM57Z Lou Lake F SWS 232.9 10/02 16:10 USFWS AKYDR-Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKYDR Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge Full 81.40 Image Interpretation 06/10 07:06
USFWS AKYDR Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge Limited 151.54 Image Interpretation 06/10 07:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 232.9
205 001205 Hess Lake C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Hess Lake
204 M548 Reindeer Creek L TAD 16.1 10/15 16:10 BLM AKCYD-Central Yukon Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKCYD Central Yukon Field Office Limited 16.09 Remote Sensing Derived 06/16 13:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 16.1
203 M544 PDM544 Melozitna River L TAD 39.2 10/02 16:10 BLM AKCYD-Central Yukon Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKCYD Central Yukon Field Office Limited 39.17 Remote Sensing Derived 06/16 13:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 39.2
202 M540 PDM540 Fairhaven Creek M GAD 7.9 10/02 16:10 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Modified 7.94 Image Interpretation 06/15 11:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 7.9
200 M53Y PDM53Y East Fork Andreafsky River L GAD 4.0 10/02 16:10 USFWS AKYDR-Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for East Fork Andreafsky River
199 M53B PDM53B Nikolai Slough F GAD 0.2 10/02 16:10 ANCSA AKDYN-Doyon, Limited
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Nikolai Slough
197 001197 Gold Bar C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Gold Bar
195 M510 031195 PDM510 Madison Creek L TAD 177.0 10/05 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Limited 176.97 Remote Sensing Derived 07/08 10:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 177.0
194 M50U PDM50U Ray Mountain L TAD 95.4 10/27 16:10 BLM AKCYD-Central Yukon Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKCYD Central Yukon Field Office Limited 95.42 Remote Sensing Derived 06/16 13:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 95.4
193 M5ZS Dall River L UYD 26.1 10/02 16:10 USFWS AKYFR-Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKYFR Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge Limited 26.13 Remote Sensing Derived 06/10 10:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 26.1
192 M5ZH 003192 Captain Cook F KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Captain Cook
191 M5Y5 PDM5Y5 Aklumayuak Creek 2 L GAD 242.7 10/02 16:10 NPS AKNOP-Noatak Preserve
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
NPS AKNOP Noatak Preserve Limited 242.70 Image Interpretation 06/17 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 242.7
190 M5YV PDM5YV Lower Kobuk Canyon L TAD 77.4 10/09 11:10 NPS AKGAP-Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
NPS AKGAP Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve Limited 77.35 Remote Sensing Derived 06/14 10:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 77.4
189 M5YS PDM5YS Kuyak Creek L GAD 400.2 10/02 16:10 NPS AKNOP-Noatak Preserve
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
NPS AKNOP Noatak Preserve Limited 400.22 Image Interpretation 06/17 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 400.2
188 M5YN PDM5YN Aklumayuak Creek L GAD 187.4 10/02 16:10 NPS AKNOP-Noatak Preserve
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
NPS AKNOP Noatak Preserve Limited 187.40 Image Interpretation 06/17 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 187.4
187 M5YL 031187 PDM5YL Isom Creek M UYD 12,139.2 10/21 12:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKVLN Dinyea Corporation Full 858.21 GPS-Walked 07/06 16:07
BIA AKAKA Native Allotments Full 32.52 GPS-Walked 07/06 16:07
State AKAKS AK Dept. Transportation Modified 10.12 GPS-Walked 07/06 16:07
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Full 292.16 GPS-Walked 07/06 16:07
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Limited 141.74 GPS-Walked 07/06 16:07
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Modified 6,657.59 GPS-Walked 07/06 16:07
USFWS AKYFR Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge Full 4,146.82 GPS-Walked 07/06 16:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 12,139.1
186 M5XN PDM5XN Tumit Creek L GAD 1,129.8 10/02 16:10 NPS AKNOP-Noatak Preserve
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
NPS AKNOP Noatak Preserve Limited 1,129.85 Image Interpretation 06/17 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1,129.8
185 M5WK PDM5WK Kanuti River L TAD 467.2 10/15 16:10 BLM AKCYD-Central Yukon Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKCYD Central Yukon Field Office Limited 467.22 Remote Sensing Derived 06/10 16:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 467.2
183 M5VN PDM5VN Kerulu Creek L GAD 112.3 11/03 14:11 USFWS AKSWR-Selawik National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKSWR Selawik National Wildlife Refuge Limited 112.35 Image Interpretation 06/09 09:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 112.3
182 M5VG PDM5VG Imikneyak Creek L GAD 1,009.6 10/02 16:10 NPS AKNOP-Noatak Preserve
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
NPS AKNOP Noatak Preserve Limited 1,009.58 Image Interpretation 06/17 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1,009.6
181 M5VE 031181 PDM5VE Zane Hills L GAD 185.0 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Limited 185.02 Image Interpretation 06/08 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 185.0
180 M5VF PDM5VF Nimiuktuk River L GAD 1,602.3 10/27 16:10 NPS AKNOP-Noatak Preserve
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
NPS AKNOP Noatak Preserve Limited 1,602.35 Image Interpretation 06/17 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1,602.3
179 003179 Low Bush C KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Low Bush
178 M5U2 PDM5U2 Hogatza M TAD 95.3 10/02 16:10 BLM AKCYD-Central Yukon Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKCYD Central Yukon Field Office Modified 95.30 Remote Sensing Derived 06/16 13:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 95.3
177 M5UT PDM5UT Billy Hawk Creek M GAD 2,239.9 11/03 13:11 USFWS AKKUR-Koyukuk National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKCYD Central Yukon Field Office Modified 13.76 Image Interpretation 06/19 10:06
USFWS AKKUR Koyukuk National Wildlife Refuge Modified 2,226.19 Image Interpretation 06/19 10:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 2,239.9
176 003176 Sandhill Crane C KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Sandhill Crane
175 M5TY PDM5TY Ungalik River L GAD 5.0 10/02 16:10 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Ungalik River
174 M5TW PDM5TW Omilak Creek L GAD 2.4 10/02 16:10 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Limited 2.39 Image Interpretation 06/08 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 2.4
173 M5SS PDM5SS Fish River M GAD 3.4 07/13 08:07 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Modified 3.40 Image Interpretation 06/08 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 3.4
172 M5SR 031172 PDM5SR Paragon River M GAD 5.0 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Modified 5.04 Image Interpretation 06/08 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 5.0
170 M5SL PDM5SL Middle Fork Buckland L GAD 246.1 10/02 16:10 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Limited 246.05 Image Interpretation 06/08 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 246.1
169 M5SK 031169 PDM5SK White Mountain L GAD 179.2 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Limited 179.22 GPS-Walked 06/09 10:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 179.2
168 M5SJ 031168 PDM5SJ Wapoo Creek 2 L GAD 1,217.3 10/27 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Limited 1,692.58 Image Interpretation 06/17 10:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1,692.6
167 M5SG PDM5SG Coffee Dome M GAD 20.9 10/02 16:10 ANCSA AKBSN-Bering Straits Native Corporation
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKBSN Bering Straits Native Corporation Modified 20.86 Image Interpretation 06/18 14:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 20.9
166 M5SD 031166 PDM5SD White Mountain 2 L GAD 34.0 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Limited 34.02 Image Interpretation 06/08 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 34.0
165 M5SB PDM5SB Continental Divide L GAD 31.3 11/03 13:11 USFWS AKKUR-Koyukuk National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKKUR Koyukuk National Wildlife Refuge Limited 31.32 Image Interpretation 06/08 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 31.3
164 M5SA PDM5SA Brush Creek M GAD 220.6 10/02 16:10 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Modified 220.65 Image Interpretation 06/09 09:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 220.6
163 M5R6 PDM5R6 Old Woman River L GAD 3.0 10/27 16:10 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Old Woman River
162 M5RW PDM5RW South Fork Buckland 2 L GAD 0.1 10/02 16:10 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
No perimeter owner breakdown found for South Fork Buckland 2
161 M5RT 031161 PDM5RT Wapoo Creek L GAD 475.3 10/29 10:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Limited 475.29 Image Interpretation 06/16 13:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 475.3
160 M5RR PDM5RR South Fork Buckland L GAD 0.1 10/02 16:10 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
No perimeter owner breakdown found for South Fork Buckland
159 M5RF 031159 PDM5RF Macklin L GAD 267.5 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Limited 267.47 Image Interpretation 06/08 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 267.5
158 M5PR 031158 PDM5PR Khotol Slough L GAD 21.7 10/05 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Limited 21.67 GPS-Flight 06/06 12:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 21.7
157 M5N7 PDM5N7 Wolf Creek L GAD 1.5 10/02 16:10 USFWS AKYDR-Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Wolf Creek
156 M6ZD 011156 PNM6ZD Spruce Creek L FAS 0.5 10/21 09:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Spruce Creek
155 M5RP 001155 PNM5RP White Fox C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for White Fox
154 M5L9 004154 PNM5L9 Iwaktok Hill L SWS 13,030.3 10/20 09:10 USFWS AKYDR-Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKVLN Chevak Corporation Limited 772.72 Image Interpretation 06/10 07:06
USFWS AKYDR Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge Limited 12,257.62 Image Interpretation 06/10 07:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 13,030.3
153 M5L7 004153 Kochilagok Hill L SWS 29,322.2 10/02 16:10 USFWS AKYDR-Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKVLN Chevak Corporation Limited 3,380.06 Image Interpretation 06/16 08:06
USFWS AKYDR Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge Limited 25,942.13 Image Interpretation 06/16 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 29,322.2
152 M5L8 004152 PNM5L8 West Nunavakpak L SWS 2.0 10/02 16:10 USFWS AKYDR-Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for West Nunavakpak
151 M5L4 PDM5L4 Bering Creek L TAD 375.1 11/03 13:11 USFWS AKNOR-Nowitna National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKNOR Nowitna National Wildlife Refuge Limited 375.10 Remote Sensing Derived 06/16 13:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 375.1
149 M5L3 031149 PDM5L3 Red Dog L GAD 432.0 11/04 12:11 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Limited 432.03 Image Interpretation 06/05 10:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 432.0
148 M5LW PDM5LW Bear Creek 2 F GAD 0.3 11/03 11:11 USFWS AKKUR-Koyukuk National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Bear Creek 2
147 M5LV PDM5LV Bear Creek F GAD 0.3 11/03 11:11 USFWS AKKUR-Koyukuk National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Bear Creek
146 M5LP PDM5LP Nowitna River L TAD 1.0 11/03 13:11 USFWS AKNOR-Nowitna National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Nowitna River
145 M5LN Bearpaw River L TAD 0.6 11/10 09:11 NPS AKDEP-Denali National Park and Preserve
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
NPS AKDEP Denali National Park and Preserve Limited 0.64 GPS-Flight 06/03 11:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.6
144 M5LE PDM5LE Innoko L GAD 44.1 11/03 13:11 USFWS AKINR-Innoko National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKINR Innoko National Wildlife Refuge Limited 44.13 Image Interpretation 06/19 09:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 44.1
143 M5LK PDM5LK Big Creek L TAD 46.5 11/03 13:11 USFWS AKNOR-Nowitna National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKNOR Nowitna National Wildlife Refuge Limited 46.49 Remote Sensing Derived 06/14 10:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 46.5
142 M5KY PDM5KY Engineer Lake 2 F GAD 1,801.1 10/02 16:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Maserculiq, Incorporated
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKVLN Maserculiq, Incorporated Full 1,210.22 Image Interpretation 06/11 09:06
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Full 590.87 Image Interpretation 06/11 09:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1,801.1
141 M5KC PDM5KC Engineer Lake F GAD 1,010.0 10/02 16:10 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Full 1,010.04 Image Interpretation 06/23 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1,010.0
139 M5JB PDM5JB Nageethluk River 1 L GAD 890.7 10/02 16:10 USFWS AKYDR-Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKYDR Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge Limited 890.67 Image Interpretation 06/09 09:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 890.7
138 M5JA PDM5JA Nageethluk River L GAD 507.5 10/02 16:10 USFWS AKYDR-Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKYDR Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge Limited 507.51 Image Interpretation 06/09 09:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 507.5
137 M5H9 PDM5H9 Andreafsky River L GAD 1.0 10/02 16:10 USFWS AKYDR-Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Andreafsky River
134 M5H5 004134 PNM5H5 Kuka Creek L SWS 241.7 10/26 10:10 USFWS AKYDR-Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKYDR Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge Limited 241.78 Image Interpretation 06/19 09:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 241.8
133 M5H6 004133 PNM5H6 Izaviknek River L SWS 3,524.9 10/02 16:10 USFWS AKYDR-Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKYDR Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge Limited 3,524.93 Image Interpretation 06/06 20:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 3,524.9
132 M5HU PDM5HU Hawk River F GAD 220.6 10/02 16:10 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Full 220.59 Image Interpretation 06/12 09:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 220.6
130 M5JC 004130 PNM5JC Innoko Headwaters M SWS 113.6 10/22 11:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKVLN MTNT, Limited Full 7.79 GPS-Walked 06/19 09:06
ANCSA AKVLN MTNT, Limited Modified 0.19 GPS-Walked 06/19 09:06
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Modified 105.62 GPS-Walked 06/19 09:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 113.6
129 004129 4th of July Creek M SWS 100.5 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Modified 100.49 GPS-Walked 06/19 09:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 100.5
128 M5HA PDM5HA Clear Creek L MID 1,285.1 10/02 16:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
DOD AKFWQ Fort Wainwright Limited 1,285.10 Remote Sensing Derived 06/07 19:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1,285.1
127 004127 DeCourcy Mountain L SWS 1.6 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Limited 1.65 Image Interpretation 06/01 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1.6
126 004126 Smith Creek L SWS 50.9 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Limited 50.92 Image Interpretation 06/05 10:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 50.9
125 M5G8 004125 PNM5G8 Center Slough F SWS 82.1 10/02 16:10 USFWS AKYDR-Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKYDR Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge Full 82.13 Image Interpretation 06/01 09:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 82.1
124 004124 Big Waldren Fork L SWS 498.2 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Limited 498.24 Image Interpretation 06/18 07:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 498.2
123 M5FU 032123 PDM5FU Chiroskey River L GAD 72.6 10/02 16:10 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Limited 72.56 Image Interpretation 06/23 11:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 72.6
122 M5ET PDM5ET North Fork F GAD 11.8 10/02 16:10 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Full 11.79 GPS-Walked 06/03 10:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 11.8
121 M5EV PDM5EV St Michael 2 F GAD 1.0 10/02 16:10 USFWS AKYDR-Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for St Michael 2
120 004120 Big River L SWS 0.9 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Limited 0.95 Image Interpretation 06/19 09:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.9
119 004119 No Creek L SWS 3.2 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Limited 3.20 Image Interpretation 06/04 10:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 3.2
118 M5EP 004118 PNM5EP Manokinak River L SWS 12,133.3 10/02 16:10 USFWS AKYDR-Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKCAN Calista Corporation Limited 13.49 Image Interpretation 06/18 09:06
BIA AKAKA Native Allotments Full 71.09 Image Interpretation 06/18 09:06
USFWS AKYDR Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge Limited 12,048.68 Image Interpretation 06/18 09:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 12,133.3
117 M5EW 004117 PNM5EW Little Tonzona River L SWS 164.2 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Limited 164.15 Image Interpretation 06/11 10:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 164.2
116 M5EN 004116 PNM5EN Ingakslugwat Hills L SWS 54,099.1 10/20 09:10 USFWS AKYDR-Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKVLN Chevak Corporation Limited 74.08 Image Interpretation 07/15 08:07
USFWS AKYDR Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge Limited 54,025.04 Image Interpretation 07/15 08:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 54,099.1
115 M5D6 PDM5D6 St Michael F GAD 25.6 10/02 16:10 USFWS AKYDR-Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKYDR Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge Full 25.57 Image Interpretation 06/05 10:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 25.6
114 003114 Sary Su C KKS 0.1 10/20 14:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Sary Su
112 M5AL 000112(2) P0M5AL Sandy Beach M TNF 0.1 11/05 14:11 USFS AKTNF-Tongass National Forest
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Sandy Beach
111 003111 Kalsin Bay F KKS 0.1 10/20 14:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Leisnoi, Incorporated
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Kalsin Bay
110 003110 Pillar Mountain C KKS 3.0 11/02 16:11 City AKAKS-Kodiak, City of
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Pillar Mountain
109 003109 Gerrard St C KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-AK DNR-Mental Health Trust
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Gerrard St
108 M47W 003108 Penny C KKS 1.0 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Penny
107 M47V 003107 Decanter C KKS 0.5 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Decanter
105 M47X 003105 Horse Trail F KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 USFWS AKKNR-Kenai National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Horse Trail
104 012104 Tumey Road C DAS 0.1 10/19 12:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Tumey Road
103 M4UX Yukon Slough F UYD 2.0 10/02 16:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Venetie Indian And Neets Ai Corporation
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Yukon Slough
100 M4SD 012100 PNM4SD Barley Way F DAS 5.5 11/09 11:11 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Barley Way
099 M4RU 000099(1) P0M4RU Muddy Creek M TNF 7.2 11/05 14:11 USFS AKTNF-Tongass National Forest
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFS AKTNF Tongass National Forest Modified 7.20 Hand Sketch 07/16 14:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 7.2
098 M4RS Trout Creek L UYD 252.2 07/07 15:07 NPS AKYCP-Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
NPS AKYCP Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve Limited 252.16 Remote Sensing Derived 06/16 13:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 252.2
096 011096 McGrath Road C FAS 0.1 10/19 11:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for McGrath Road
095 M4HL 013095 PNM4HL Redfox C TAS 0.2 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Redfox
094 001094 Hollywood C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Hollywood
093 M4F9 031093 PNM4F9 Fritz Cove F TNF 0.1 11/09 08:11 City AKAKS-Klawock, City of
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Fritz Cove
092 M4FP 013092 PNM4FP Yukon Fire C TAS 0.1 10/20 13:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Yukon Fire
090 M4EZ 011090 PNM4EZ Durango Trail C FAS 1.7 10/19 11:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Durango Trail
087 M4B0 003087 Seclusion C KKS 0.5 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Seclusion
086 003086 Panoramic C KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Panoramic
085 003085 Strawberry C KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-AK DNR-Mental Health Trust
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Strawberry
084 001084 Moose Meadows C MSS 54.1 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-University of Alaska
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS University of Alaska Critical 54.14 Mixed Methods 05/19 09:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 54.1
082 M39L Marten F UYD 0.5 10/02 16:10 ANCSA AKDYN-Doyon, Limited
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Marten
081 001081 Little Su F MSS 5.8 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Full 5.80 Mixed Methods 05/15 11:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 5.8
080 001080 Ranch C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Ranch
079 001079 Blondell C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Blondell
078 001078 Leaf Lake F MSS 1.5 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Full 1.46 GPS-Walked 05/14 13:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1.5
077 M350 011077 PNM350 Parks Highway F FAS 0.1 10/19 11:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Parks Highway
076 M35Q 031076 PNM35Q Peterson Trailhead F TNF 0.1 11/05 14:11 State AKAKS-AK Dept. Fish & Game
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Peterson Trailhead
074 M345 031074 PNM345 Petersburg Dump Fire C TNF 0.1 11/05 14:11 County AKAKS-Petersburg Borough
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Petersburg Dump Fire
073 M33F Mink F UYD 1.0 10/02 16:10 ANCSA AKDYN-Doyon, Limited
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Mink
072 012072 Sawmill Creek F DAS 1.1 10/19 11:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Sawmill Creek
071 001071 Thuma C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Thuma
070 003070 Seaview C KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Seaview
069 003069 Homer Hill C KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Homer Hill
068 001068 Jonesville Mine C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Jonesville Mine
067 M3YJ 001067 PNM3YJ Malaspina C MSS 3.8 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 3.13 Mixed Methods 05/13 10:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 3.1
066 M3X7 003066 Katmai C KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Katmai
065 M37S 003065 Murray C KKS 2.4 10/02 16:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Ninilchik Natives Association, Incorporated
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Murray
064 012064 Shaw Creek Landing F DAS 0.4 10/19 11:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Shaw Creek Landing
063 M3VQ 031063 PNM3VQ Crow Point F TNF 15.5 11/05 14:11 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Full 10.15 GPS-Walked 05/26 08:05
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Full 0.12 GPS-Walked 05/26 08:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 10.3
062 M3VG 000062 P0M3VG Bear Creek L CGF 0.1 10/02 16:10 USFS AKCGF-Chugach National Forest
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Bear Creek
061 001061 Settlers Bay Golf Course C MSS 0.8 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
County AKAKS Matanuska-Susitna Borough Critical 0.04 Mixed Methods 05/13 08:05
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.75 Mixed Methods 05/13 08:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.8
060 011060 Jones Road C FAS 0.1 10/19 11:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Jones Road
059 012059 Birch Valley C DAS 0.5 10/19 11:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Birch Valley
058 001058 Leota C MSS 2.2 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 2.08 GPS-Walked 06/19 09:06
State AKAKS AK Dept. Transportation Critical 0.04 GPS-Walked 06/19 09:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 2.1
057 M3Q4 031057 PNM3Q4 Langille Road C CGF 0.2 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Langille Road
056 001056 That Road C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for That Road
055 M3PP 013055 3rd Street Tanacross C TAS 0.1 10/22 10:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Tanacross, Incorporated
No perimeter owner breakdown found for 3rd Street Tanacross
054 M3PM 004054 PNM3PM Clarks Point F SWS 2.0 10/02 16:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Saguyak, Incorporated
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Clarks Point
053 001053 Burlwood C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Burlwood
052 001052 Crazy Pearsons C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Crazy Pearsons
051 M3LN 001051 PNM3LN Grazelka F MSS 3.0 10/02 16:10 DOD AKELQ-Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson (JBER)
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Grazelka
049 001049 Northland C MSS 0.1 07/07 15:07 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Northland
048 M3H1 031048 PNM3H1 Carter Lake F CGF 0.1 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Carter Lake
045 003045 NorthSpruce C KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 City AKAKS-Kenai, City of
No perimeter owner breakdown found for NorthSpruce
043 003043 Echo Lake C KKS 0.3 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Echo Lake
042 001042 Lollybrock C MSS 0.2 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Lollybrock
041 001041 Country C MSS 0.5 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.51 Mixed Methods 05/13 08:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.5
040 003040 Miller Loop C KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Miller Loop
039 003039 Starisky C KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Starisky
038 M4Y4 001038 Shirleyville F MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Shirleyville
037 M291 013037 Tanacross Dump C TAS 0.1 10/27 16:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Tanacross, Incorporated
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Tanacross Dump
036 001036 Buffalo Mine C MSS 0.2 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Buffalo Mine
035 M29Q 003035 Kelsi C KKS 0.3 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Kelsi
034 001034 Skyview C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Skyview
033 001033 Caribou Loop C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Caribou Loop
032 001032 This Way C MSS 0.2 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for This Way
031 M275 001031 PNM275 Scaulp C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Scaulp
030 001030 Pittman C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Pittman
028 011028 Peridot C FAS 0.4 10/19 11:10 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.36 Mixed Methods 05/04 15:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.4
027 003027 Harvey C KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Harvey
026 M24K 031026 PNM24K Victor Creek C CGF 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Victor Creek
025 013025 MP 112 Gravel Pit F TAS 0.1 10/20 13:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for MP 112 Gravel Pit
024 003024 Grewingk C KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Grewingk
023 003023 Robinson C KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Robinson
022 003022 Silver Beach F KKS 1.0 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Silver Beach
021 003021 Brenmark C KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Brenmark
020 M233 001020 PNM233 Trumpeter C MSS 139.5 04/27 10:04 ANCSA AKVLN-Knikatnu, Incorporated
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKVLN Knikatnu, Incorporated Critical 82.35 Mixed Methods 05/18 07:05
Private AKPRI Private Critical 57.12 Mixed Methods 05/18 07:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 139.5
019 001019 Village Loop C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Village Loop
018 001018 Commons C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Commons
017 001017 Maradee C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Maradee
016 001016 Settlers Bay C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 County AKAKS-Matanuska-Susitna Borough
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Settlers Bay
015 M21Q 013015 Tanacross C TAS 0.1 10/27 16:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Tanacross, Incorporated
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Tanacross
014 001014 Point Mac C MSS 0.9 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.89 Mixed Methods 05/01 09:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.9
013 001013 Caribou Road C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.07 Mixed Methods 05/13 08:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.1
012 001012 Idle C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Idle
011 001011 North Overview C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for North Overview
010 001010 Williwaw Way C MSS 0.2 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Williwaw Way
009 M2X6 001009 PNM2X6 Plumley C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Plumley
008 M2NU 000008(1) P0M2NU Maybeso F TNF 0.1 11/05 14:11 USFS AKTNF-Tongass National Forest
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Maybeso
007 001007 Ridgecrest C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Ridgecrest
006 001006 Fairview C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Fairview
005 M2RJ 001005 Avalon C MSS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Avalon
004 003004 East Hill C KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for East Hill
003 001003 Deshka Overwinter F MSS 0.1 10/05 10:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKAKS Alaska-Other Full 0.10 Mixed Methods 05/01 09:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.1
002 003002 Launch Pad F KKS 0.1 10/02 16:10 State AKAKS-Alaska-Other
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Launch Pad
001 MZK6 Windfall Mountain Overwinter M UYD 0.1 10/13 08:10 ANCSA AKDYN-Doyon, Limited
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Windfall Mountain Overwinter

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