October 12, 2024       
2021 Alaska Fire Ownerships

2021 Alaska Fire Ownerships For Fire Origins and Fire Perimeters


This is based on Fire Perimeters, Fire Point Data, Management Options, and the Alaska Wildland Fire Jurisdictions Dataset


Fire # Fire Code DNR USFS Fire Name Option Zone Acres Updated Owner Category Unit ID Unit Name
445 103445 Berezka C KKS 0.1 11/01 14:11 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Berezka
444 103444 East end C KKS 0.1 11/01 14:11 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for East end
443 103443 Robinson Loop Powerline C KKS 0.1 11/01 14:11 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Robinson Loop Powerline
442 103442 Evelyn C KKS 0.1 10/15 12:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Evelyn
441 103441 Ashley C KKS 0.1 10/15 12:10 State AKDNS-AK DNR-Mental Health Trust
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Ashley
440 113440 West Aspen C TAS 0.1 10/21 13:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for West Aspen
439 101439 Jim Creek C MSS 0.1 10/05 08:10 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Jim Creek
438 N911 PDN911 Oklahoma Impact Area L MID 0.1 10/28 13:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright, Donnelly TA
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Oklahoma Impact Area
437 N91V PDN91V CTR 2 F MID 0.1 10/28 13:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright, Donnelly TA
No perimeter owner breakdown found for CTR 2
436 103436 Homestead C KKS 0.5 10/15 12:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Homestead
435 103435 Pintail C KKS 0.1 10/16 04:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Pintail
434 N9YU PDN9YU CTR 1 F MID 0.1 10/28 13:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright, Donnelly TA
No perimeter owner breakdown found for CTR 1
433 103433 Mozer C KKS 0.1 10/16 04:10 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Mozer
432 103432 Woods C KKS 0.1 10/16 04:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Woods
430 N9WV PDN9WV Chissovun Lake F UYD 0.3 10/28 13:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Gwitchyaazhee Corporation
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Chissovun Lake
429 N9PC 114429 PNN9PC Little Tonsina M CRS 0.1 09/23 10:09 BLM AKGLD-Glennallen Field Office
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Little Tonsina
428 101428 Mile 91.5 F MSS 0.1 09/17 11:09 State AKDTS-AK Dept. Transportation
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Mile 91.5
427 N9FH 113427 PNN9FH Dot Lake Dump F TAS 0.1 10/28 13:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Dot Lake Native Corporation
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Dot Lake Dump
426 N9B8 000426 P0N9B8 Cedar Island L TNF 1.0 10/26 16:10 USFS AKTNF-Tongass National Forest
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Cedar Island
424 N8GT 112424 PN8GT Healy Lake C DAS 0.2 10/28 13:10 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Healy Lake
423 N8G3 112423 PNN8G3 Goodpaster F DAS 0.5 10/28 13:10 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Goodpaster
422 N8AS 000422 P0N8AS Nossuk Bay 2 M TNF 0.1 09/17 13:09 USFS AKTNF-Tongass National Forest
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFS AKTNF Tongass National Forest Modified 0.09 Mixed Methods 08/25 10:08
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.1
421 N767 PDN767 Delta Creek 11 L MID 2.2 10/28 13:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright, Donnelly TA
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
DOD AKFWQ Fort Wainwright, Donnelly TA Limited 2.24 Image Interpretation 08/11 14:08
Ownership Breakdown Size: 2.2
420 101420 Ringler C MSS 0.5 09/01 09:09 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Ringler
418 101418 West Lake C MSS 0.1 09/01 09:09 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for West Lake
417 N7YP 114417 PNN7YP Klawasi M CRS 0.1 08/31 13:08 ANCSA AKAHN-Ahtna, Incorporated
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Klawasi
416 N7WD PDN7WD Big Boulder M UYD 69.5 09/20 13:09 NPS AKYCP-Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
NPS AKYCP Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve Modified 69.46 Image Interpretation 09/03 11:09
Ownership Breakdown Size: 69.5
415 N7UU 000415 P0N7UU Nossuk Bay M TNF 0.2 10/26 16:10 USFS AKTNF-Tongass National Forest
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFS AKTNF Tongass National Forest Modified 0.22 Mixed Methods 08/25 10:08
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.2
414 N7UV PDN7UV Delta Creek 10 L MID 95.8 10/28 13:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright, Donnelly TA
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
DOD AKFWQ Fort Wainwright, Donnelly TA Limited 95.79 Image Interpretation 08/11 14:08
Ownership Breakdown Size: 95.8
408 112408 Cummings Road F DAS 0.1 09/03 12:09 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Cummings Road
407 N7RA PDN7RA Delta Creek 9 L MID 18.6 10/28 13:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright, Donnelly TA
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
DOD AKFWQ Fort Wainwright, Donnelly TA Limited 18.59 Image Interpretation 08/11 14:08
Ownership Breakdown Size: 18.6
406 N7Q8 PDN7Q8 Delta Creek 8 L MID 10.0 10/28 13:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright, Donnelly TA
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
DOD AKFWQ Fort Wainwright, Donnelly TA Limited 9.96 Image Interpretation 08/12 16:08
Ownership Breakdown Size: 10.0
405 N7Q3 PDN7Q3 Whitefish Lake L UYD 417.5 10/28 13:10 USFWS AKYFR-Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKYFR Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge Limited 417.53 Image Interpretation 09/03 10:09
Ownership Breakdown Size: 417.5
404 N7QR 111404 PDBN7R Nenana Rail C FAS 2.0 10/28 13:10 State AKDNS-AK DNR-Mental Health Trust
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Nenana Rail
403 N7MZ 111403 Redmond Creek F FAS 5.0 07/07 15:07 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Redmond Creek
402 000402 POEK3T Kenai Lake Cliff M CGF 0.1 09/07 11:09 USFS AKCGF-Chugach National Forest
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Kenai Lake Cliff
401 N7JZ 113401 PNN7JZ Glacier Hill F TAS 1.3 09/17 13:09 USFWS AKTER-Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Glacier Hill
400 N7JX 000400 P0N7JX Yes Bay C TNF 0.3 08/31 12:08 USFS AKTNF-Tongass National Forest
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Yes Bay
399 N7HR PDN7HR South Fork L UYD 884.6 10/12 15:10 BLM AKEID-Eastern Interior Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKEID Eastern Interior Field Office Limited 884.62 Image Interpretation 09/03 10:09
Ownership Breakdown Size: 884.6
398 N7J2 114398 PNN7J2 63.5 Tok Cutoff C CRS 0.4 09/13 11:09 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for 63.5 Tok Cutoff
397 N7GQ 111397 PNN7GQ Salcha River 2 L FAS 2,828.1 10/28 13:10 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Limited 2,828.12 Image Interpretation 09/02 14:09
Ownership Breakdown Size: 2,828.1
396 N7E0 PDN7E0 Tinjikvun Lake F UYD 0.1 10/12 15:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Venetie Indian And Neets Ai Corporation
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Tinjikvun Lake
395 101395 Mile 69 Glenn F MSS 0.1 09/01 09:09 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Mile 69 Glenn
393 101393 Captain C MSS 0.1 09/01 09:09 State AKDTS-AK Dept. Transportation
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Captain
391 N671 131391 P0N671 Cat Island C TNF 0.3 08/31 12:08 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Cat Island
390 N62J 103390 PNN62J Mile Post 61.5 F KKS 0.1 09/21 06:09 USFWS AKKNR-Kenai National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Mile Post 61.5
389 N60B 111389 PNN60B Anaconda Creek F FAS 0.1 10/28 13:10 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Anaconda Creek
388 N6ZA 132388 PDN6ZA Discovery Creek M UYD 8,126.8 10/21 15:10 USFWS AKARR-Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Limited 1,814.14 Image Interpretation 09/03 11:09
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Modified 1,523.12 Image Interpretation 09/03 11:09
USFWS AKARR Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Modified 4,789.50 Image Interpretation 09/03 11:09
Ownership Breakdown Size: 8,126.8
387 N6WY PDN6WY Colorado Creek L UYD 0.3 10/12 15:10 BLM AKEID-Eastern Interior Field Office
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Colorado Creek
386 N6VZ 132386 PDN6VZ Marten Creek F UYD 2,662.8 10/21 14:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Venetie Indian And Neets Ai Corporation
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKVLN Venetie Indian And Neets Ai Corporation Full 2,662.81 Mixed Methods 08/09 07:08
Ownership Breakdown Size: 2,662.8
385 N6UG PDN6UG Snowy Peak L UYD 0.3 10/12 15:10 ANCSA AKDYN-Doyon, Limited
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Snowy Peak
384 N6TQ PDN6TQ Sucker River L UYD 0.1 10/12 15:10 BLM AKEID-Eastern Interior Field Office
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Sucker River
383 N6TK PDN6TK Granite Fork L UYD 1.0 10/12 15:10 USFWS AKYFR-Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKYFR Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge Limited 1.01 Image Interpretation 07/26 09:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1.0
382 N6TD PDN6TD Twentyfour Mile L UYD 1,607.5 10/21 14:10 USFWS AKYFR-Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKYFR Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge Limited 1,477.35 Image Interpretation 09/03 11:09
USFWS AKYFR Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge Modified 130.13 Image Interpretation 09/03 11:09
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1,607.5
381 114381 John Adams Airstrip Rd C CRS 0.1 08/05 21:08 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for John Adams Airstrip Rd
380 111380 N Grange Hall Rd F FAS 0.2 08/19 11:08 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for N Grange Hall Rd
379 N6RR PDN6RR Ninemile Lake M UYD 0.1 10/12 14:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Danzhit Hanlaii Corporation
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Ninemile Lake
378 N6RE 131378 PDN6RE Coal River M UYD 0.3 10/12 14:10 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Coal River
377 N6RC PDN6RC Kocacho F UYD 0.1 10/12 14:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Venetie Indian And Neets Ai Corporation
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Kocacho
376 N6QQ PDN6QQ Lost Horizon L UYD 25.3 10/28 13:10 BLM AKEID-Eastern Interior Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKEID Eastern Interior Field Office Limited 25.35 Image Interpretation 08/01 09:08
Ownership Breakdown Size: 25.3
375 N6PU 111375 PNN6PU Haystack 2 M FAS 0.5 09/03 12:09 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Modified 0.36 Mixed Methods 07/26 07:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.4
374 N6PN 131374 PDN6PN Twin Creek M TAD 2.0 10/28 16:10 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Twin Creek
373 N6NJ PDN6NJ Burman Lake F UYD 0.1 10/12 13:10 ANCSA AKDYN-Doyon, Limited
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Burman Lake
372 N6J5 PDN6J5 Red Stream L UYD 165.3 10/28 13:10 ANCSA AKDYN-Doyon, Limited
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKDYN Doyon, Limited Limited 165.28 Image Interpretation 08/05 10:08
Ownership Breakdown Size: 165.3
371 N6J4 PDN6J4 Nation River L UYD 967.0 10/28 13:10 ANCSA AKDYN-Doyon, Limited
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKDYN Doyon, Limited Limited 967.04 Image Interpretation 08/31 12:08
Ownership Breakdown Size: 967.0
370 N6J3 PDN6J3 Hard Luck L UYD 5.3 10/28 13:10 NPS AKYCP-Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
NPS AKYCP Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve Limited 5.28 Image Interpretation 07/26 09:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 5.3
369 N6J2 PDN6J2 Delta Creek 7 L MID 0.1 10/28 13:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright, Donnelly TA
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Delta Creek 7
367 N6JQ 113367 PNN6JQ Northway Road C TAS 0.1 09/01 17:09 BIA AKAKA-Native Allotments
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Northway Road
366 N6JK 113366 PNN6JK Black Hills L TAS 30,305.1 10/19 10:10 USFWS AKTER-Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BIA AKAKA Native Allotments Full 14.84 Image Interpretation 08/08 14:08
USFWS AKTER Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge Limited 30,290.29 Image Interpretation 08/08 14:08
Ownership Breakdown Size: 30,305.1
365 111365 Olympia Creek L FAS 488.0 11/18 11:11 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Limited 403.49 Image Interpretation 08/01 10:08
Ownership Breakdown Size: 403.5
364 111364 Ballaine Rd C FAS 0.1 09/17 14:09 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Ballaine Rd
363 N6GD PDN6GD Hamlin L UYD 1.0 10/12 09:10 USFWS AKYFR-Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Hamlin
362 N6GA PDN6GA Stuart Creek 2 L MID 19.1 10/28 13:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright, Yukon TA
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
DOD AKFWQ Fort Wainwright, Yukon TA Limited 19.12 07/22 07:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 19.1
361 N6F8 PDN6F8 Aupuk Creek L TAD 21.3 10/12 09:10 ANCSA AKASN-Arctic Slope Regional Corporation
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKASN Arctic Slope Regional Corporation Limited 21.32 Image Interpretation 07/26 09:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 21.3
359 N6DX 104359 PNN6DX Paimiut Slough F SWS 16.8 09/01 09:09 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Full 16.84 Image Interpretation 07/23 15:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 16.8
358 N6CP 104358 PNN6CP Tin Creek L SWS 0.7 09/01 09:09 ANCSA AKCIN-Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKCIN Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated Limited 0.69 Image Interpretation 07/28 13:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.7
356 N6CM 104356 PNN6CM Khuchaynik Creek L SWS 33.6 08/06 11:08 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Limited 33.64 Image Interpretation 07/28 13:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 33.6
355 101355 Sunrise C MSS 0.1 09/01 09:09 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.05 Mixed Methods 07/20 07:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.0
352 N59E 000352 P0N59E Thorne Estuary M TNF 0.1 07/31 14:07 USFS AKTNF-Tongass National Forest
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Thorne Estuary
351 N57L 103351 PNN57L Mile post 66 F KKS 0.3 09/01 17:09 USFWS AKKNR-Kenai National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Mile post 66
350 101350 Beverly Lake C MSS 0.1 08/09 09:08 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Beverly Lake
349 111349 Brown Elementary C FAS 0.1 09/17 14:09 County AKFNFX-Fairbanks North Star Borough
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Brown Elementary
347 N53V 111347 PNN53V Yankovich Rd C FAS 3.5 08/05 21:08 State AKAKS-University of Alaska
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKUAS University of Alaska Critical 3.57 07/19 07:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 3.6
346 N7PV 101346 PNN7PV Hollywood C MSS 0.1 08/09 09:08 ANCSA AKVLN-Knikatnu, Incorporated
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Hollywood
344 101344 Kincaid Motocross C MSS 1.0 08/02 13:08 County AKAKS-Anchorage, Municipality of
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
County AKAMMX Anchorage, Municipality of Critical 1.05 Mixed Methods 07/20 07:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1.1
343 N5Y3 000343 P0N5Y3 Memorial Beach M TNF 0.1 08/31 12:08 USFS AKTNF-Tongass National Forest
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Memorial Beach
342 N5YQ 000342 P0N5YQ Juneau Creek C CGF 0.1 09/07 10:09 USFS AKCGF-Chugach National Forest
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Juneau Creek
341 101341 Helen C MSS 0.1 08/02 13:08 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Helen
340 N5Q2 111340 PNN5Q2 Grange Hall C FAS 0.1 10/28 13:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Grange Hall
338 N5X1 111338 Iron Creek #2 L FAS 1.0 11/17 16:11 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Iron Creek #2
337 101337 Corn C MSS 0.1 09/01 09:09 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Corn
336 113336 Park Fire C TAS 0.1 09/20 12:09 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Park Fire
334 N5C5 000334 P0N5C5 Gravelley Creek M TNF 0.1 07/31 14:07 USFS AKTNF-Tongass National Forest
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Gravelley Creek
333 N5CF 131333 P0N5CF Rosa Reef C TNF 0.1 07/31 14:07 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Rosa Reef
332 103332 Murwood C KKS 0.1 09/03 12:09 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Murwood
331 111331 Farmers Loop Rd C FAS 0.1 08/05 21:08 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Farmers Loop Rd
329 N41E 111329 PNN41E Denoabola Rd F FAS 0.1 10/28 14:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Denoabola Rd
328 111328 Mile 20 Chena Hot Springs Road C FAS 0.1 08/05 21:08 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Mile 20 Chena Hot Springs Road
327 N403 111327 PNN403 Lakloey Hill C FAS 0.1 10/28 14:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Lakloey Hill
326 101326 Machetanz C MSS 0.1 08/02 13:08 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Machetanz
325 101325 Snowy Pass C MSS 0.1 07/31 14:07 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Snowy Pass
324 N4UB 132324 PDN4UB Bearman L UYD 6.3 10/12 09:10 USFWS AKYFR-Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKYFR Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge Limited 6.36 Remote Sensing Derived 07/12 08:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 6.4
323 N423 101323 PNN423 Lichen C MSS 2.4 08/02 13:08 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 2.35 Mixed Methods 07/14 09:07
State AKDTS AK Dept. Transportation Critical 0.02 Mixed Methods 07/14 09:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 2.4
322 101322 Ridge Line C MSS 0.2 07/31 14:07 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Ridge Line
321 N4SA PDN4SA Grass River M UYD 2.0 10/12 09:10 ANCSA AKDYN-Doyon, Limited
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKDYN Doyon, Limited Modified 2.04 Remote Sensing Derived 07/06 08:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 2.0
320 101320 Old Glenn C MSS 0.1 07/31 14:07 State AKDTS-AK Dept. Transportation
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Old Glenn
319 101319 Graham C MSS 0.1 07/31 14:07 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Graham
318 111318 Old Steese Powerline C FAS 0.1 08/09 09:08 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Old Steese Powerline
317 111317 Lulu F FAS 0.1 08/05 21:08 State AKDNS-AK DNR-Mental Health Trust
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Lulu
315 N4KS 131315 PDN4KS Deadwood F UYD 36.6 09/19 12:09 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BIA AKAKA Native Allotments Full 2.36 Remote Sensing Derived 07/06 08:07
BLM AKEID Eastern Interior Field Office Full 3.45 Remote Sensing Derived 07/06 08:07
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Full 30.76 Remote Sensing Derived 07/06 08:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 36.6
314 N4JT 111314 PNN4JT Cleary Summit C FAS 0.1 10/28 14:10 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Cleary Summit
313 104313 Little Crooked Creek F SWS 0.1 07/31 14:07 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Little Crooked Creek
312 N4T7 111312 PNN4T7 CHSR C FAS 0.1 12/06 10:12 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for CHSR
311 N4F8 103311 PNN4F8 Mountain Ridge C KKS 0.1 09/24 13:09 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.12 Mixed Methods 07/14 10:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.1
309 N4FP PDN4FP Crescent Creek L UYD 1,384.0 09/13 10:09 NPS AKYCP-Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
NPS AKYCP Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve Limited 1,383.98 Image Interpretation 09/07 09:09
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1,384.0
308 N4FM PDN4FM Stuart Creek L MID 278.8 09/03 12:09 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright, Yukon TA
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
DOD AKFWQ Fort Wainwright, Yukon TA Limited 278.77 07/22 07:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 278.8
307 N4FK PDN4FK Shellman Creek L TAD 1,929.6 12/06 10:12 BLM AKCYD-Central Yukon Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKCYD Central Yukon Field Office Limited 1,929.55 Image Interpretation 08/31 12:08
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1,929.6
306 N4YQ 111306 PNN4YQ Porter Ave C FAS 0.1 10/28 14:10 State AKAKS-University of Alaska
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Porter Ave
305 N4CF 103305 PNN4CF Cohoe C KKS 0.1 09/03 12:09 County AKAKS-Kenai Peninsula Borough
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Cohoe
302 N39B 113302 PNN39B MP 103 Tokcutoff F TAS 0.1 09/24 10:09 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for MP 103 Tokcutoff
301 N4DH 131301 P0N4DH Peterson F CGF 0.1 09/24 12:09 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Peterson
297 N30Y PDN30Y Canyon Creek 5 M GAD 0.1 09/24 16:09 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Canyon Creek 5
295 N30L PDN30L Noatak River 2 L GAD 0.7 09/02 17:09 NPS AKNOP-Noatak Preserve
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
NPS AKNOP Noatak Preserve Limited 0.74 Image Interpretation 07/19 10:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.7
294 N3Z5 111294 PNN3Z5 Brock Road C FAS 17.8 09/28 11:09 County AKAKS-Fairbanks North Star Borough
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
County AKFNFX Fairbanks North Star Borough Critical 17.76 GPS-Walked 06/29 11:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 17.8
293 101293 Experimental C MSS 0.5 07/10 15:07 State AKAKS-University of Alaska
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Experimental
292 N3W1 103292 PNN3W1 Reflection Lake C KKS 0.1 10/05 08:10 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Reflection Lake
291 101291 Pioneer Peak C MSS 0.1 07/10 15:07 State AKAKS-Chugach State Park
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Pioneer Peak
290 N3V3 PDN3V3 Sischu L TAD 15,620.0 10/20 15:10 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Limited 7,007.45 Image Interpretation 09/01 15:09
BLM AKCYD Central Yukon Field Office Limited 6,880.07 Image Interpretation 09/01 15:09
Private AKPRI Private Limited 8.89 Image Interpretation 09/01 15:09
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Limited 1,723.56 Image Interpretation 09/01 15:09
Ownership Breakdown Size: 15,620.0
289 101289 Kaye C MSS 0.1 07/10 15:07 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Kaye
286 101286 Falks Lake C MSS 0.1 07/10 15:07 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Falks Lake
285 N3UV 111285 PNN3UV Biathalon C FAS 0.5 09/17 14:09 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Biathalon
284 101284 Cimarron C MSS 0.2 07/10 15:07 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Cimarron
283 N3RV PDN3RV Delta Creek 6 L MID 0.3 10/08 16:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright, Donnelly TA
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Delta Creek 6
281 N3QZ PDN3QZ Canyon Creek 4 M GAD 0.1 03/04 16:03 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Canyon Creek 4
280 N3UK 112280 PNN3UK Triangle C DAS 0.3 09/29 15:09 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Triangle
279 N3QY PDN3QY Masukatalik Creek 2 M GAD 3.0 07/11 17:07 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Masukatalik Creek 2
278 N3QW PDN3QW Canyon Creek 3 M GAD 1.0 07/11 17:07 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Canyon Creek 3
277 N3PX 131277 PDN3PX Yuki River L GAD 2.0 07/31 14:07 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Yuki River
276 N3PU PDN3PU Ulukluk Creek 2 L GAD 3.8 07/11 17:07 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Limited 3.81 Image Interpretation 06/24 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 3.8
275 N3PS 131275 PDN3PS Pack Sack Creek M GAD 5.3 07/31 14:07 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Modified 5.29 Image Interpretation 06/24 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 5.3
274 N3PQ 131274 PDN3PQ Buckland River 2 M GAD 0.5 07/31 14:07 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Buckland River 2
273 N3PM PDN3PM Ulukluk Creek L GAD 1.9 07/11 17:07 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Limited 1.91 Image Interpretation 06/24 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1.9
271 N3NX PDN3NX Lava L GAD 1.4 09/02 15:09 NPS AKBLP-Bering Land Bridge National Preserve
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
NPS AKBLP Bering Land Bridge National Preserve Limited 1.39 Image Interpretation 07/19 10:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1.4
269 N3NM 131269 PDN3NM American River L GAD 13.1 07/31 14:07 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Limited 13.10 Image Interpretation 07/12 09:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 13.1
266 101266 Keri C MSS 0.1 07/10 15:07 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Keri
264 N3NB PDN3NB Duck Creek M GAD 12.3 07/06 10:07 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Modified 12.33 Image Interpretation 06/24 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 12.3
263 N3L8 PDN3L8 Fish River M GAD 13.8 07/15 10:07 ANCSA AKVLN-Buckland Nunachiak Corporation
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKVLN Buckland Nunachiak Corporation Modified 13.78 Image Interpretation 07/09 11:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 13.8
262 N3L5 PDN3L5 Little Noatak 3 F GAD 0.1 07/12 13:07 NPS AKNOP-Noatak Preserve
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Little Noatak 3
261 N3L4 PDN3L4 Little Noatak Slough 2 F GAD 0.1 07/05 09:07 ANCSA AKNAN-NANA Regional Corporation, Incorporated
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Little Noatak Slough 2
260 N3L3 PDN3L3 Canyon Creek M GAD 4.1 07/11 12:07 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Modified 4.11 Image Interpretation 06/24 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 4.1
259 N3L1 PDN3L1 Masukatalik Creek M GAD 1.6 07/10 15:07 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Masukatalik Creek
258 N3L6 PDN3L6 Kauk River L GAD 5.7 09/02 14:09 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Limited 5.71 Image Interpretation 06/24 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 5.7
257 N3L0 PDN3L0 Buckland River L GAD 12.2 07/11 17:07 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Limited 12.22 Image Interpretation 06/24 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 12.2
256 N3LZ PDN3LZ Niglaktak Lake M GAD 4.2 08/09 08:08 ANCSA AKNAN-NANA Regional Corporation, Incorporated
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKNAN NANA Regional Corporation, Incorporated Modified 4.20 Image Interpretation 07/12 09:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 4.2
255 N3LY PDN3LY Selawik River L GAD 2.8 11/04 15:11 USFWS AKSWR-Selawik National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKSWR Selawik National Wildlife Refuge Limited 2.81 Image Interpretation 06/24 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 2.8
254 N3LX PDN3LX Hugo Creek F GAD 86.9 09/10 07:09 NPS AKNOP-Noatak Preserve
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKVLN Kikiktagruk Inupiat Corporation Full 26.50 Image Interpretation 06/24 08:06
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Full 2.18 Image Interpretation 06/24 08:06
NPS AKNOP Noatak Preserve Full 58.17 Image Interpretation 06/24 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 86.9
253 N3LW PDN3LW Mulik Hills F GAD 33.7 09/10 07:09 ANCSA AKVLN-Kikiktagruk Inupiat Corporation
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKVLN Kikiktagruk Inupiat Corporation Full 33.21 Image Interpretation 06/24 08:06
BIA AKAKA Native Allotments Full 0.53 Image Interpretation 06/24 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 33.7
251 N3LR PDN3LR Creek 2 F GAD 3.8 08/09 08:08 ANCSA AKDYN-Doyon, Limited
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKDYN Doyon, Limited Full 3.83 Image Interpretation 07/12 09:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 3.8
250 N3LL PDN3LL Creek F GAD 1.2 08/09 08:08 ANCSA AKDYN-Doyon, Limited
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKDYN Doyon, Limited Full 1.19 Image Interpretation 07/12 09:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1.2
249 N3H4 131249 PDN3H4 Wilson Creek L GAD 16.8 07/31 14:07 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Limited 16.82 Image Interpretation 07/09 11:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 16.8
248 N3HH 103248 PNN3HH Camp Stove C KKS 0.1 10/05 08:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Camp Stove
247 103247 Ruby C KKS 0.1 10/05 08:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Ruby
246 101246 Airolo C MSS 0.1 07/10 15:07 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Airolo
245 N3E8 PDN3E8 Anisak River L GAD 1.1 09/01 10:09 NPS AKNOP-Noatak Preserve
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
NPS AKNOP Noatak Preserve Limited 1.05 Image Interpretation 06/21 14:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1.1
244 N3EN 111244 PNN3EN Straight Creek F FAS 30.9 11/17 16:11 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKVLN Toghotthele Corporation Full 0.12 Mixed Methods 06/24 09:06
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Full 30.76 Mixed Methods 06/24 09:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 30.9
243 N3D9 131243 PDN3D9 Tutak Creek L GAD 5,988.3 08/27 13:08 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Limited 5,988.30 Image Interpretation 07/09 11:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 5,988.3
241 N3CT PDN3CT Goblet Creek F GAD 3.0 07/10 16:07 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Goblet Creek
240 N3CP PDN3CP Little Noatak Slough F GAD 16.4 03/28 15:03 NPS AKKRP-Cape Krusenstern National Monument
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
NPS AKKRP Cape Krusenstern National Monument Full 16.36 Image Interpretation 07/03 08:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 16.4
238 104238 Taylor Mountains L SWS 99.5 07/31 14:07 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Limited 99.45 Image Interpretation 07/02 11:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 99.5
237 N283 PDN283 Rabbit M TAD 5.3 10/08 16:10 USFWS AKKAR-Kanuti National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKKAR Kanuti National Wildlife Refuge Modified 5.33 Image Interpretation 07/27 13:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 5.3
236 N282 PDN282 Spring Water F GAD 5.5 10/06 16:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Azachorok, Incorporated
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKVLN Azachorok, Incorporated Full 5.55 Mixed Methods 06/30 09:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 5.6
235 N3UW 111235 PNN3UW Munson Creek L FAS 50,964.8 10/20 10:10 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
County AKFNFX Fairbanks North Star Borough Full 1,904.94 Image Interpretation 08/06 09:08
County AKFNFX Fairbanks North Star Borough Limited 17.55 Image Interpretation 08/06 09:08
Private AKPRI Private Full 1,227.91 Image Interpretation 08/06 09:08
Private AKPRI Private Limited 260.97 Image Interpretation 08/06 09:08
State AKDNS AK DNR-Mental Health Trust Full 967.94 Image Interpretation 08/06 09:08
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Full 1,290.18 Image Interpretation 08/06 09:08
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Limited 45,295.30 Image Interpretation 08/06 09:08
Ownership Breakdown Size: 50,964.8
233 N277 PDN277 Hickel L TAD 366.5 10/08 16:10 USFWS AKKAR-Kanuti National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKKAR Kanuti National Wildlife Refuge Limited 366.52 Image Interpretation 07/27 13:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 366.5
232 N278 PDN278 Noatak River L GAD 19,001.7 09/09 13:09 NPS AKNOP-Noatak Preserve
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
NPS AKNOP Noatak Preserve Limited 19,001.67 Image Interpretation 07/15 09:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 19,001.7
231 N276 131231 PNN276 Washington Creek M TAD 2.1 10/28 14:10 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Washington Creek
230 N27W 103230 PNN27W Chickadee C KKS 0.1 10/05 08:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Chickadee
229 N27E PDN27E Index Mountain L UYD 5.0 10/08 16:10 USFWS AKARR-Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Index Mountain
228 114228 Copperville C CRS 0.1 08/11 14:08 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Copperville
227 104227 Washington Creek L SWS 16.0 07/31 14:07 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Limited 16.02 Image Interpretation 06/22 07:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 16.0
226 N253 PDN253 Preacher Creek L UYD 17.7 10/08 16:10 BLM AKEID-Eastern Interior Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKEID Eastern Interior Field Office Limited 17.71 Remote Sensing Derived 06/19 13:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 17.7
225 N25Z 112225 PNN25Z George Lake F DAS 6.0 10/28 14:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Dot Lake Native Corporation
No perimeter owner breakdown found for George Lake
224 N25G PDN25G Bear Creek M GAD 1.5 07/11 19:07 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Bear Creek
223 N24S 132223 PDN24S Cultas Creek L UYD 40,450.0 10/21 14:10 NPS AKYCP-Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
NPS AKYCP Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve Limited 40,449.96 Image Interpretation 09/03 11:09
Ownership Breakdown Size: 40,450.0
222 N238 PDN238 Tractor Trail F TAD 0.1 07/31 14:07 ANCSA AKVLN-Seth-de-ya-ah Corporation
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Tractor Trail
221 N23V PDN23V Little Mud River 4 L GAD 0.1 08/31 16:08 USFWS AKINR-Innoko National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Little Mud River 4
220 N23T PDN23T Little Mud River 3 L GAD 0.1 08/31 16:08 USFWS AKINR-Innoko National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Little Mud River 3
219 N23S PDN23S Little Mud River 2 L GAD 1.0 08/31 16:08 USFWS AKINR-Innoko National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Little Mud River 2
218 N222 104218 PNN222 Deepbank Creek L SWS 2.4 07/31 14:07 BLM AKADD-Anchorage Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Limited 2.39 06/26 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 2.4
217 N23R PDN23R Little Mud River L GAD 0.1 08/31 16:08 USFWS AKINR-Innoko National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Little Mud River
216 N221 104216 PNN221 North Fork F SWS 2.1 07/10 16:07 ANCSA AKDYN-Doyon, Limited
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKDYN Doyon, Limited Full 2.13 06/19 13:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 2.1
215 104215 Sunshine L SWS 28.2 07/31 14:07 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Limited 28.16 Image Interpretation 06/26 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 28.2
214 N23Q PDN23Q Magitchlie Creek L GAD 2.0 08/31 16:08 USFWS AKINR-Innoko National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Magitchlie Creek
213 N23P PDN23P Magitchlie Creek 2 L GAD 0.1 08/31 16:08 USFWS AKINR-Innoko National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Magitchlie Creek 2
212 104212 Wabash F SWS 1.5 07/10 15:07 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Full 1.51 GPS-Walked 06/22 07:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1.5
211 104211 Nixon Fork F SWS 1.0 07/10 15:07 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Nixon Fork
210 104210 Little Tonzona River L SWS 54.4 07/31 14:07 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Limited 54.36 Image Interpretation 06/26 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 54.4
209 N24X 113209 PNN24X Dennison Fork L TAS 215.8 10/28 14:10 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Limited 215.75 Image Interpretation 07/16 08:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 215.8
208 N22T 112208 PNN22T 1402 AK HWY F DAS 0.3 10/28 14:10 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for 1402 AK HWY
207 N24W 113207 PNN24W Logging Cabin Creek L TAS 0.5 10/28 14:10 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Logging Cabin Creek
206 N22P 131206 PDN22P Little Albert Creek L UYD 536.1 10/20 11:10 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Limited 536.13 06/19 13:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 536.1
205 N3G2 000205 P0N3G2 Mckinley Trailhead M CGF 0.1 07/15 17:07 USFS AKCGF-Chugach National Forest
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Mckinley Trailhead
204 103204 Dog Stump C KKS 0.1 10/05 08:10 City AKAKS-Homer, City of
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Dog Stump
202 101202 John`s Way F MSS 0.6 07/10 15:07 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for John`s Way
200 N2YF PDN2YF Ladd F MID 0.1 10/08 16:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Ladd
198 111198 Coal Seam F FAS 95.7 09/27 13:09 State AKDNS-AK DNR-Mental Health Trust
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDNS AK DNR-Mental Health Trust Full 95.71 06/27 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 95.7
197 N2WB PDN2WB Zitziana River F TAD 653.9 12/06 10:12 ANCSA AKDYN-Doyon, Limited
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKDYN Doyon, Limited Full 653.87 Remote Sensing Derived 07/16 08:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 653.9
196 N2V9 111196 PNN2V9 Haystack F FAS 927.2 11/23 15:11 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Full 838.03 Mixed Methods 06/30 09:06
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Limited 46.20 Mixed Methods 06/30 09:06
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Modified 43.04 Mixed Methods 06/30 09:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 927.3
195 N2V0 132195 PDN2V0 Dry Creek F TAD 51,763.2 10/20 14:10 ANCSA AKDYN-Doyon, Limited
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKDYN Doyon, Limited Full 19,776.83 Image Interpretation 09/01 14:09
ANCSA AKDYN Doyon, Limited Limited 3,541.31 Image Interpretation 09/01 14:09
ANCSA AKVLN Bean Ridge Corporation Full 4,737.41 Image Interpretation 09/01 14:09
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Full 8,986.45 Image Interpretation 09/01 14:09
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Limited 14,721.18 Image Interpretation 09/01 14:09
Ownership Breakdown Size: 51,763.2
194 N2VX 111194 PNN2VX Winter Trail F FAS 37.1 08/19 11:08 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDNS AK DNR-Mental Health Trust Full 34.90 Remote Sensing Derived 06/19 13:06
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Full 2.25 Remote Sensing Derived 06/19 13:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 37.2
193 N2VW 104193 PNN2VW About Mountain F SWS 2,186.1 09/10 08:09 ANCSA AKVLN-MTNT, Limited
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKVLN MTNT, Limited Full 2,180.25 Image Interpretation 07/02 11:07
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Full 5.85 Image Interpretation 07/02 11:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 2,186.1
192 N2VA 111192 PNN2VA St. Patrick C FAS 0.1 07/31 14:07 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for St. Patrick
191 101191 Miguels Trail C MSS 0.1 07/01 12:07 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Miguels Trail
190 N2U3 111190 PNN2U3 Freeman C FAS 0.1 09/27 13:09 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Freeman
189 N2UC 114189 PNN2UC Sourdough Hill F CRS 0.1 07/07 13:07 NPS AKWSP-Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Sourdough Hill
188 N2TL PDN2TL Olsons Lake L UYD 4,224.0 09/02 15:09 BLM AKCYD-Central Yukon Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKCYD Central Yukon Field Office Limited 4,224.00 Image Interpretation 08/31 11:08
Ownership Breakdown Size: 4,224.0
187 N2TK PDN2TK Arctic Circle L UYD 22.4 10/08 16:10 BLM AKCYD-Central Yukon Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKCYD Central Yukon Field Office Limited 22.41 Remote Sensing Derived 06/15 09:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 22.4
186 N2TH 111186 PNN2TH Minto Lakes F FAS 40.0 02/25 14:02 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Full 39.98 Image Interpretation 06/15 07:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 40.0
185 N2S2 PDB2S2 Kanuti River L UYD 418.7 10/28 15:10 BLM AKCYD-Central Yukon Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKCYD Central Yukon Field Office Limited 418.66 Remote Sensing Derived 06/16 17:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 418.7
184 N2SW 131184 PDN2SW Boulder F UYD 0.1 10/08 16:10 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Boulder
183 111183 Wojo C FAS 0.1 07/31 14:07 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Wojo
182 113182 Midway C TAS 0.1 10/06 16:10 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Midway
181 103181 Kasilof Road C KKS 0.1 10/05 08:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Kasilof Road
180 N2RS 103180 PNN2RS Loon Lake L KKS 102.2 10/15 11:10 USFWS AKKNR-Kenai National Wildlife Refuge
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
USFWS AKKNR Kenai National Wildlife Refuge Limited 102.23 Image Interpretation 06/15 07:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 102.2
177 103177 Flounder C KKS 0.1 09/01 17:09 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Flounder
176 N2Q7 131176 PDN2Q7 Crescent Island L TAD 118.8 10/21 14:10 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Limited 118.89 07/20 08:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 118.9
174 N2Q9 111174 PNN2Q9 Rosie Creek F FAS 1.0 08/05 21:08 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Full 1.05 GPS-Walked 06/14 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1.1
173 N2M5 111173 PNN2M5 Kobe F FAS 0.4 07/31 14:07 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Kobe
172 103172 Deep Creek C KKS 0.1 09/23 14:09 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Deep Creek
171 N2K3 PDN2K3 Landing Lights F MID 0.1 10/28 15:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Landing Lights
170 N2KY PDN2KY Delta Creek 5 L MID 0.1 10/08 16:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright, Donnelly TA
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Delta Creek 5
169 N2KV 111169 PNN2KV Salcha River M FAS 7.0 09/27 13:09 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Full 0.08 GPS-Walked 06/10 15:06
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Modified 6.96 GPS-Walked 06/10 15:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 7.0
168 111168 Middle Fork C FAS 0.1 09/17 14:09 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Middle Fork
167 N2HQ 113167 PNN2HQ Wolf Creek L TAS 181.7 10/28 15:10 BLM AKEID-Eastern Interior Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKEID Eastern Interior Field Office Limited 181.72 Image Interpretation 07/16 08:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 181.7
166 N2HF 132166 PDN2HF Zyryanka L UYD 31.2 10/28 15:10 BLM AKEID-Eastern Interior Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKEID Eastern Interior Field Office Limited 31.24 Remote Sensing Derived 06/10 11:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 31.2
165 103165 Old Sterling C KKS 0.1 09/23 14:09 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.02 Mixed Methods 06/09 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.0
164 N2FL 103164 PNN2FL Rick C KKS 0.1 10/28 15:10 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.02 Mixed Methods 06/09 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.0
162 N2FP 132162 PDN2FP Moose Creek L UYD 57.3 10/28 15:10 BLM AKEID-Eastern Interior Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKEID Eastern Interior Field Office Limited 57.31 Remote Sensing Derived 06/10 11:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 57.3
161 N2FH 103161 PNN2FH Otter Trail C KKS 0.2 10/28 15:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Otter Trail
160 N2FG 111160 PNN2FG Pedro C FAS 1.2 06/26 12:06 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Pedro
159 N2FF PDN2FF Delta Creek 4 L MID 0.1 05/13 13:05 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright, Donnelly TA
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Delta Creek 4
158 N2E5 PDN2E5 MPMG 7 L MID 0.1 10/28 15:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright
No perimeter owner breakdown found for MPMG 7
157 N2FA 111157 PNN2FA Fish Creek M FAS 2.0 06/26 12:06 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Fish Creek
156 N2EL 000156 P0N2EL Thorne River M TNF 0.1 06/18 17:06 USFS AKTNF-Tongass National Forest
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Thorne River
155 N2QN 103155 PNN2QN Kodiak Refuge C KKS 0.1 06/30 10:06 ANCSA AKVLN-Natives of Kodiak, Incorporated
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Kodiak Refuge
154 N2C6 PDN2C6 Doll L TAD 287.1 09/05 14:09 BLM AKCYD-Central Yukon Field Office
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKCYD Central Yukon Field Office Limited 287.11 Remote Sensing Derived 06/15 09:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 287.1
153 103153 Riverwind C KKS 0.1 10/05 08:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Riverwind
152 N2CQ 101152 PNN2CQ Long Lake C MSS 0.1 07/05 10:07 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Long Lake
151 N2CM 103151 PNN2CM Canyon View C KKS 0.1 10/28 15:10 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.15 Mixed Methods 06/07 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.1
150 N2CP 101150 PNN2CP Herringbone C MSS 0.3 07/01 12:07 ANCSA AKVLN-Montana Creek Native Association
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Herringbone
149 N2BY 103149 PNN2BY Carnation F KKS 0.3 06/30 10:06 ANCSA AKVLN-Salamatof Native Association, Incorporated
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKVLN Salamatof Native Association, Incorporated Full 0.38 Mixed Methods 06/07 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.4
148 N2CF 131148 PNN2CF Wildwood F TAD 0.3 10/28 14:10 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Wildwood
146 101146 Raceway C MSS 0.2 10/06 11:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Raceway
145 N2A5 103145 PNN2A5 Kalsin Creek F KKS 67.6 10/05 08:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Leisnoi, Incorporated
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKVLN Leisnoi, Incorporated Full 67.63 Image Interpretation 06/29 11:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 67.6
144 101144 Reddane F MSS 0.1 06/26 12:06 State AKDTS-AK Dept. Transportation
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDTS AK Dept. Transportation Full 0.02 Mixed Methods 06/07 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.0
143 101143 Deshka F MSS 0.3 06/26 12:06 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Deshka
142 N19E 103142 PDN19E Greenwood C KKS 1.9 10/28 15:10 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 1.88 Mixed Methods 06/07 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1.9
141 103141 Abalone C KKS 0.1 09/17 11:09 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Abalone
140 103140 Two Dog C KKS 0.1 07/05 09:07 State AKDTS-AK Dept. Transportation
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKPRS Clam Gulch State Recreation Area Critical 0.03 Mixed Methods 06/07 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.0
139 103139 Sesame C KKS 0.1 07/05 09:07 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Critical 0.11 Mixed Methods 06/07 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.1
138 103138 Clam Gulch Middle C KKS 0.1 10/05 08:10 State AKUAS-University of Alaska
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKUAS University of Alaska Critical 0.02 Mixed Methods 06/07 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.0
137 103137 Clam Gulch C KKS 0.1 08/31 16:08 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.09 Mixed Methods 06/07 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.1
136 N15W 103136 PNN15W Loveall C KKS 0.4 10/28 15:10 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Critical 0.42 Mixed Methods 06/07 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.4
135 101135 Lucille C MSS 0.1 06/26 12:06 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Lucille
134 N12L PDN12L Delta Creek 3 L MID 5.0 10/28 15:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright, Donnelly TA
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Delta Creek 3
133 N107 PDN107 Delta Creek 2 L MID 18.6 10/28 15:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright, Donnelly TA
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
DOD AKFWQ Fort Wainwright, Donnelly TA Limited 18.64 GPS-Flight 07/01 13:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 18.6
132 114132 Mile 69 M CRS 0.1 07/01 11:07 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Mile 69
131 103131 West Homer C KKS 0.2 07/05 09:07 County AKAKS-Kenai Peninsula Borough
No perimeter owner breakdown found for West Homer
130 114130 Terrace C CRS 0.1 07/01 11:07 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Terrace
129 103129 Seaquest C KKS 0.1 07/05 09:07 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Seaquest
128 103128 Mile 117 C KKS 0.1 07/30 20:07 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Mile 117
127 101127 Jonesville Mine C MSS 0.1 02/25 13:02 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Jonesville Mine
126 N1Q4 103126 PNN1Q4 Seattle Slew C KKS 0.1 10/28 15:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Seattle Slew
125 111125 South Cushman Gun Range C FAS 0.1 06/26 12:06 County AKAKS-Fairbanks North Star Borough
No perimeter owner breakdown found for South Cushman Gun Range
124 N1MM PDN1MM Anvik Airport F GAD 0.3 10/28 15:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Ingalik, Incorporated
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Anvik Airport
122 104122 River Ave C SWS 0.1 06/26 12:06 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for River Ave
121 N1J0 PDN1J0 MPMG 6 L MID 0.1 10/28 15:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright
No perimeter owner breakdown found for MPMG 6
120 N1G7 101120 PNN1G7 Jay Sedor C MSS 0.3 09/07 12:09 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.26 Mixed Methods 05/27 08:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.3
119 N1GR PDN1GR Delta Creek L MID 86.6 10/28 15:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright, Donnelly TA
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
DOD AKFWQ Fort Wainwright, Donnelly TA Limited 86.62 GPS-Flight 06/09 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 86.6
118 103118 Red Bluff C KKS 1.2 07/30 20:07 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Red Bluff
117 101117 Mile 92 C MSS 0.2 06/26 13:06 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.15 Mixed Methods 05/26 07:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.1
116 103116 Horse Neck C KKS 0.1 07/30 20:07 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Horse Neck
115 103115 Oehler C KKS 0.1 07/30 20:07 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Oehler
114 N1E9 101114 PNN1E9 Ruth C MSS 1.7 06/26 13:06 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 1.75 Mixed Methods 05/26 07:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1.7
113 N1E2 101113 PNN1E2 Pettis C MSS 0.1 06/09 12:06 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.01 GPS-Flight 06/09 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.0
112 N1EU 104112 PNN1EU Kiktak Island F SWS 254.2 07/30 19:07 BIA AKAKA-Native Allotments
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKVLN Akiachak, Limited Full 133.68 Image Interpretation 05/27 08:05
BIA AKAKA Native Allotments Full 120.53 Image Interpretation 05/27 08:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 254.2
111 N1ET St. Marys Dump F GAD 0.1 03/02 10:03 ANCSA AKVLN-Pitkas Point Native Corporation
No perimeter owner breakdown found for St. Marys Dump
110 101110 Four Mile Road C MSS 0.1 06/09 12:06 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Four Mile Road
109 N1D3 101109 PNN1D3 Lakewood C MSS 0.2 06/09 12:06 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Lakewood
108 N1G8 103108 PDN1G8 Jolly C KKS 0.1 10/28 15:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Jolly
107 N1DV PDN1DV MPMG 5 L MID 0.1 10/28 15:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright
No perimeter owner breakdown found for MPMG 5
106 N1DQ PDN1DQ MPMG 4 L MID 0.1 10/28 15:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright
No perimeter owner breakdown found for MPMG 4
105 N1DP 101105 PNN1DP Cabin Spike C MSS 0.1 06/22 13:06 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.11 Mixed Methods 05/25 09:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.1
104 N1DG 104104 PNN1DG Pilot Point C SWS 3,600.2 08/06 14:08 ANCSA AKVLN-Pilot Point Native Corporation
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKVLN Pilot Point Native Corporation Critical 258.59 Image Interpretation 06/01 07:06
ANCSA AKVLN Pilot Point Native Corporation Full 3,341.65 Image Interpretation 06/01 07:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 3,600.2
103 N1C8 103103 PNN1C8 Kostino Rd C KKS 0.3 10/28 15:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Kostino Rd
102 N1C2 104102 PNN1C2 Kongishluk Bay F SWS 3,033.3 10/11 12:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Askinuk Corporation
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKVLN Askinuk Corporation Full 446.64 Image Interpretation 06/03 08:06
ANCSA AKVLN Paimiut Corporation Full 117.15 Image Interpretation 06/03 08:06
BIA AKAKA Native Allotments Full 137.40 Image Interpretation 06/03 08:06
USFWS AKYDR Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge Full 2,332.10 Image Interpretation 06/03 08:06
Ownership Breakdown Size: 3,033.3
101 101101 Dimond C MSS 0.2 06/09 11:06 County AKAKS-Anchorage, Municipality of
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Dimond
100 101100 Blunck C MSS 0.1 06/09 11:06 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Blunck
099 N1B3 101099 PNN1B3 Mountain Ash C MSS 0.1 06/09 10:06 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.08 Mixed Methods 05/25 08:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.1
098 N1B1 101098 PNN1B1 Aeronautical C MSS 0.1 06/09 10:06 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Aeronautical
097 N095 103097 PNN095 Tiny Shovel C KKS 0.1 07/10 16:07 USFWS AKKNR-Kenai National Wildlife Refuge
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Tiny Shovel
096 N07G 111096 PNN07G Elliot MP 33 F FAS 2.4 06/26 12:06 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Elliot MP 33
094 N066 PDN066 Firebird Assault Strip F MID 0.1 10/28 15:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright, Yukon TA
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Firebird Assault Strip
092 N04A 101092 PNN04A Bluebill C MSS 0.2 06/22 13:06 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.20 Mixed Methods 05/20 07:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.2
091 N03D 101091 PNN03D Edenfield C MSS 0.1 06/23 14:06 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Edenfield
090 N02F 101090 PNN02F Scottwood C MSS 0.1 07/29 11:07 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Scottwood
089 101089 Brenda C MSS 0.1 06/05 14:06 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.07 Mixed Methods 05/18 07:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.1
088 103088 North Forest C KKS 0.1 07/05 09:07 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for North Forest
087 N00R 101087 PNN00R Hideaway C MSS 0.2 07/29 11:07 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Hideaway
086 N0ZZ 101086 PNN0ZZ Sasbo C MSS 0.1 06/09 10:06 State AKDTS-AK Dept. Transportation
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Sasbo
085 101085 Jonesville Road C MSS 0.1 06/08 19:06 State AKDTS-AK Dept. Transportation
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Jonesville Road
084 N0XR 101084 PNN0XR Walling C MSS 0.4 10/28 15:10 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.44 Mixed Methods 05/17 07:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.4
083 111083 MP 23 CHSR C FAS 0.1 06/26 12:06 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for MP 23 CHSR
082 N0WG 104082 PNN0WG John Reek Creek M SWS 6.8 10/28 15:10 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Modified 6.76 GPS-Walked 05/17 12:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 6.8
081 N0XJ 103081 PNN0XJ Leonard Rd. C KKS 0.1 10/28 15:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Leonard Rd.
080 N0TS 113080 PNN0TS 1st Ave Tanacross C TAS 0.1 10/28 15:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Tanacross, Incorporated
No perimeter owner breakdown found for 1st Ave Tanacross
079 N0TF 103079 PNN0TF Chinook C KKS 0.1 10/28 15:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Chinook
078 N0R6 101078 PNN0R6 Vega C MSS 0.2 06/29 18:06 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.21 Mixed Methods 05/14 07:05
State AKDTS AK Dept. Transportation Critical 0.02 Mixed Methods 05/14 07:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.2
077 N0SR 113077 PNN0SR Mentasta Road C TAS 0.1 10/28 15:10 BIA AKAKA-Native Allotments
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Mentasta Road
076 N0R2 101076 PNN0R2 Springwood C MSS 0.1 06/05 14:06 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Springwood
075 N0Q7 101075 PNN0Q7 Fern C MSS 0.1 06/05 14:06 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Fern
074 N0P9 101074 PNN0P9 Snow Goose C MSS 0.1 06/05 14:06 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Snow Goose
073 113073 Tok Senior Center Rd C TAS 0.1 06/30 10:06 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Tok Senior Center Rd
072 N0P5 P0N0P5 Three Sisters M TNF 0.1 06/01 12:06 USFS AKTNF-Tongass National Forest
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Three Sisters
071 N0PW 103071 PNN0PW Tustumena Boat Launch C KKS 0.1 06/22 14:06 ANCSA AKCIN-Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Tustumena Boat Launch
070 N0PU 111070 PNN0PU MP 19.5 CHSR C FAS 0.2 06/26 12:06 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for MP 19.5 CHSR
069 101069 Falk C MSS 0.1 06/22 13:06 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Falk
067 111067 Richardson MP 289 F FAS 0.5 06/26 12:06 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Richardson MP 289
066 111066 Old Nenana F FAS 5.0 06/25 10:06 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Old Nenana
065 N0KV PDN0KV Stuart Creek Impact Area L MID 0.1 10/28 15:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright, Yukon TA
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Stuart Creek Impact Area
064 101064 Gunnysack #2 C MSS 0.1 06/05 14:06 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Gunnysack #2
063 N0JL 101063 PNN0JL Wonderland C MSS 0.1 06/05 14:06 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Wonderland
062 N0JJ 101062 PNN0JJ Champion C MSS 1.9 06/05 14:06 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 1.88 Mixed Methods 05/10 08:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1.9
061 N0JA 103061 PNN0JA Carver St C KKS 0.1 10/28 16:10 State AKDNS-AK DNR-Mental Health Trust
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Carver St
060 N0H9 113060 PNN0H9 Tetlin C TAS 0.3 10/28 16:10 ANCSA AKVLN-Tetlin Village Corporation
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Tetlin
059 101059 Maud Road C MSS 0.8 06/26 12:06 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Critical 0.76 Mixed Methods 05/10 08:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.8
058 N0HH 101058 PNN0HH Epic Circle C MSS 1.5 06/05 14:06 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 1.50 Mixed Methods 05/10 08:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1.5
057 101057 Juniper C MSS 0.1 06/05 14:06 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.09 Mixed Methods 05/10 08:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.1
056 N0HC 111056 PNN0HC CHSR Shooting Range F FAS 9.1 07/15 14:07 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for CHSR Shooting Range
054 N0H8 113054 PNN0H8 Albert Road C TAS 0.3 10/28 16:10 DOD AKAFQ-U.S. Air Force
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Albert Road
053 101053 Nystrom C MSS 0.1 05/28 09:05 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Nystrom
052 N0F9 101052 PNN0F9 Gunnysack C MSS 0.5 10/28 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.55 Mixed Methods 05/10 08:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.5
051 N0FZ 101051 PNN0FZ Clare C MSS 0.1 10/28 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Clare
049 N0EP 103049 PNN0EP Olds River F KKS 5.0 06/21 11:06 ANCSA AKVLN-Leisnoi, Incorporated
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Olds River
048 N0ZV 111048 PNN0ZV French Gulch Coal Seam 2021 F FAS 58.9 09/27 13:09 State AKDNS-AK DNR-Mental Health Trust
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
State AKDNS AK DNR-Mental Health Trust Full 58.89 Image Interpretation 07/16 08:07
Ownership Breakdown Size: 58.9
047 111047 Canyon Creek F FAS 0.6 05/19 15:05 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Canyon Creek
046 N0DV 103046 PNN0DV Red Cloud River F KKS 5.0 06/29 20:06 ANCSA AKVLN-Ouzinkie Native Corporation
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Red Cloud River
045 N0C8 101045 PNN0C8 Millers Reach C MSS 1.3 06/05 14:06 County AKAKS-Matanuska-Susitna Borough
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
County AKMBMX Matanuska-Susitna Borough Critical 1.28 Mixed Methods 05/07 10:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1.3
044 N0C6 000044 P0N0C6 Kayak Point F TNF 0.1 06/15 23:06 USFS AKTNF-Tongass National Forest
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Kayak Point
043 103043 Yukon Rd F KKS 0.1 06/06 10:06 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Yukon Rd
042 N0A9 PDN0A9 MPMG 3 L MID 0.1 10/28 16:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright
No perimeter owner breakdown found for MPMG 3
041 N0A8 PDN0A8 MPMG 2 L MID 0.1 10/28 16:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright
No perimeter owner breakdown found for MPMG 2
040 103040 Robinson C KKS 0.1 06/06 10:06 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Robinson
039 N0AL 103039 PNN0AL Gaswell C KKS 0.1 06/21 11:06 ANCSA AKVLN-Salamatof Native Association, Incorporated
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Gaswell
038 NZ9E PDNZ9E Small Arms Complex 1 L MID 0.1 10/28 16:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Small Arms Complex 1
037 101037 Glade C MSS 0.5 05/22 11:05 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Glade
036 101036 Fifth Avenue C MSS 0.1 07/21 08:07 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Fifth Avenue
035 NZ80 101035 PNNZ80 Clarion C MSS 0.5 05/22 11:05 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Clarion
033 101033 Mission Hills C MSS 0.1 05/22 11:05 State AKDTS-AK Dept. Transportation
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Mission Hills
032 101032 Cottonwood C MSS 0.1 05/22 11:05 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.03 Mixed Methods 05/05 11:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.0
031 101031 Herringbone C MSS 0.1 05/22 11:05 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Herringbone
030 101030 Vaunda C MSS 0.1 05/22 11:05 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Vaunda
028 101028 Susitna Ridge C MSS 0.3 05/22 10:05 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Susitna Ridge
027 101027 Petrel C MSS 0.1 05/18 18:05 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Petrel
026 NZ3P 131026 P0NZ3P 2021-596 C TNF 0.2 10/27 09:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for 2021-596
025 NZ3M 131025 P0NZ3M Hamilton Construction C TNF 0.4 10/27 09:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Hamilton Construction
024 NZ1X PDNZ1X MPMG 1 L MID 0.1 10/28 16:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright
No perimeter owner breakdown found for MPMG 1
023 NZ09 113023 PNNZ09 Tanacross Road C TAS 0.1 10/28 16:10 BLM AKEID-Eastern Interior Field Office
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Tanacross Road
022 112022 MP 270 Richardson HWY C DAS 0.7 08/19 11:08 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for MP 270 Richardson HWY
021 101021 Marley C MSS 2.2 09/10 08:09 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
ANCSA AKVLN Eklutna, Incorporated Critical 0.61 Mixed Methods 04/30 08:04
Private AKPRI Private Critical 1.62 Mixed Methods 04/30 08:04
Ownership Breakdown Size: 2.2
020 101020 Peaceful C MSS 0.1 05/18 18:05 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.03 Mixed Methods 04/30 08:04
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.0
019 114019 Moose Creek C CRS 2.7 07/01 11:07 State AKAKS-University of Alaska
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Moose Creek
018 NZW0 103018 PDNZW0 Mission C KKS 0.1 10/28 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Mission
017 114017 Woodcock F CRS 0.1 06/13 13:06 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Woodcock
016 111016 Parks MP 333 F FAS 0.1 05/19 16:05 State AKDNS-AK Dept. Natural Resources
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Parks MP 333
015 NZQ4 000015 P0NZQ4 Cape Pole C TNF 2.3 09/10 08:09 USFS AKTNF-Tongass National Forest
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Critical 0.18 GPS-Walked 05/10 10:05
BLM AKADD Anchorage Field Office Modified 0.02 GPS-Walked 05/10 10:05
BLM AKGLD Glennallen Field Office Critical 1.44 GPS-Walked 05/10 10:05
BLM AKGLD Glennallen Field Office Modified 0.02 GPS-Walked 05/10 10:05
USFS AKTNF Tongass National Forest Critical 0.54 GPS-Walked 05/10 10:05
USFS AKTNF Tongass National Forest Modified 0.16 GPS-Walked 05/10 10:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 2.3
014 NZL5 131014 P0NZL5 Spuhn Island L TNF 1.2 09/10 08:09 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Limited 0.84 Mixed Methods 05/05 11:05
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Limited 0.39 Mixed Methods 05/05 11:05
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1.2
013 101013 Sailor C MSS 0.4 05/18 14:05 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.36 Mixed Methods 04/28 09:04
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.4
012 101012 Doc McKinley C MSS 0.5 05/18 14:05 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Doc McKinley
011 101011 Strand C MSS 0.1 05/14 15:05 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Strand
010 NZQ7 103010 PNNZQ7 Bradley C KKS 0.3 10/28 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 0.22 Mixed Methods 04/28 09:04
State AKDNS AK Dept. Natural Resources Critical 0.04 Mixed Methods 04/28 09:04
Ownership Breakdown Size: 0.3
009 112009 Arctic Grayling C DAS 0.1 08/19 11:08 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Arctic Grayling
008 NZ3E 103008 PNNZ3E Cooks Corner C KKS 0.1 10/28 16:10 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Cooks Corner
007 101007 Lindsey C MSS 1.1 05/14 15:05 Private AKPRI-Private
Category Unit ID Unit Name Option Acres Source Updated
Private AKPRI Private Critical 1.08 Digitized-Other 04/28 09:04
Ownership Breakdown Size: 1.1
006 NY7Z PDNY7Z Georgia Range 2 F MID 0.5 10/28 16:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright, Donnelly TA
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Georgia Range 2
005 NY5A PDNY5A Georgia Range 1 F MID 0.3 10/28 16:10 DOD AKFWQ-Fort Wainwright, Donnelly TA
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Georgia Range 1
004 101004 Hart Lake C MSS 0.1 05/08 11:05 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Hart Lake
003 101003 Burlwood C MSS 0.1 05/04 15:05 Private AKPRI-Private
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Burlwood
002 103002 Buskin River C KKS 0.1 07/08 13:07 OthFed
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Buskin River
001 NW39 PDNW39 Windfall Mountain Overwinter M UYD 0.1 10/13 08:10 ANCSA AKDYN-Doyon, Limited
No perimeter owner breakdown found for Windfall Mountain Overwinter

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